Eating disorder- interval?

I have Ednos , its an consumption disorder. Well when you have ednos you are at a clean weight and still attain periods. But I started my length yesterday, i have have them for about two years consequently today there be nothing.Why did is stop , coud this be from the ednos?


How be it your first time having sex? (women answer only)?

Whenever you're contained by your teenage years, your hormones are still out of whack, so even if you are close to clockwork with your time, it can change unexpectedly. Stress can also contribute to any irregularities next to your menstrual cycle. But, with ED-NOS, you can still be classified as 'inside normal ranges' for counterbalance, but if your BMI (body mass index/ %age of weight i.e. fat) is too low, your menstrual cycle will stop. Just make sure that your mother and doctors know almost this, and make sure you stay respectable.

Good luck.

What are the chances?

what the heck are u discussion about

if you own that problem then run see a doctor duhhhhhhh

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i don't know if it could be from your ingestion disorder, but you need to recount your gynocologist. your period shouldn't hold stopped so early.

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I'm not sure to be honest - but do you own ednos with more anorexic tendency, or more of the binging kind? Have you be restricting your food intake a lot lately? Are you on the pill? The best one to recommend you if you are really concerned would be a doctor, but personally I wouldn't verbs too much just from this, conceivably see what the story is next month... strictly speaking I don't believe your periods should stop if you are still a in shape weight, but I'm not really an expert on it. Periods can regularly be a bit irregular in both size and frequency within the first few years - I have found that contained by the past I've have some I've barely notice as they've been incredibly buoyant and for only 2 days, and my period seem to recurrently be lighter now I'm on the pill. Is at hand any possibility you've been pregnant? If you've have unprotected sex, or believe that pregnancy is a possibility, that may be something to look into, as you may experience very bedside light amounts of bleeding when pregnant, as opposed to losing your spell altogether - but honestly, at this stage I really wouldn't worry, DON'T hysterics - your body is a living thing and period can vary due to a extent of external factors, it's not some model clock. If you've lost a lot of cargo in a moment, even if you're still a healthy freight, that can mess things up as well, and I construe stress and jet-lag might do also - mine has be delayed like that a couple of times, so that I won't acquire my 2nd period until as much as 40 days after the previous one!

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