Has anyone stopped taking Depo Provera after the second or third shot? If so, how did you quality upon doing so?

Has anyone stopped taking Depo Provera after the second or third shot? If so, how did you feel upon doing so?
More specifically, how be the return back to your Menstrual Cycle? I settled to start taking DEPO because of insane menstrual cramps. For the first 3 months after my first DEPO shot, things went pretty economically. Since recieving my second shot, i've had horrible robustness including, almost always self nauseous, mortal bloated, fatigued, and hot flashes. Today, i had a blackout, which i can just imagine happen from the hormones in DEPO. For this aim i plan to go past its sell-by date the shot.

I would really appreciate comments from women who decided to bring back off of DEPO after solitary 2-3 shots, and how their return to their periods have been. Ive hear that people who stay on DEPO for 2 years or more, go and get a period which last for two weeks with unpromising cramping upon return back to their cycle.

I hope that by, getting stale of this shot sooner, i can avoid this.
Thanks In Advance.

Are there any petite women?

I own endometriosis and have tried everything to regulate a lessen the headache and heavy bleeding of my period. I have be on Depo several different times and stopping it after only a couple of shots isn't horrible. You will enjoy irregular bleeding for a couple of months but there are alternatives. The second time I was on Depo I stopped after simply two cycles, or shots because I was have my period adjectives the time. I went directly onto Seasonale which is a once a daylight pill that you take for three months afterwards have a time of year, three months, period. etc. Its around one hundred dollars for a three month supply but I swear it works better than anything I enjoy tried in 20 yrs of suffering beside this disease. Seasonale or Seasoniqe-same thing. It won't engineer your period completely run away, you'll have it every three months, but it will be a everyday period, much smaller amount pain, and no break through bleeding between. I love it and I hope it works as economically for you if you try it.

Terbutaline, med. used to stopped contractions? PLEASE HELP!!?

i have have the depo shot to try to stop heavy period and bad cramps so i know how you are foreboding, i ended up have to stop because i was getting migrains from it. i stopped taking the shot and the come first aches go away but the problems came final. there are other ways to assist with raw periods discuss to your gyno and see what they recommend.

What can I do??I don't like them!?

Interesting interrogate!

I did personally be in motion off Depo after simply 3 shots. I lost my job and lost my medical coverage at the time and so I a moment ago never went vertebrae. I never had cramps because of it, but I hadn't had cramps for probably 5 years prior to getting the shots.

Initially, when I started it did screw my extent up and I was getting them more habitually than I should, and then after I stopped, my irregular period lasted for in the region of another 3-4 months. It was a hassle, but I sort of expected that would arise.

Now I'm going to get an IUD. I involve less hassle.

My absolute favorite birth control be Norplant - the rods that were implanted beneath the skin on the inside of your upper arm. That was SO smooth, but by the end of the 5 years I have it in the FDA have recalled it so I never get to get it again. Too fruitless there's zilch like that very soon !


Birth Control Question?

not meaning to upset you but i did. i bled for like TWO MONTHS STRAIGHT! but while i be on the depo shot i didnt have a interval. this also happend to my older sister. so i know it a moment ago wasnt my body

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