What do you reckon?

i didnt get my time of year last month or this month(yet) im single 13 and started in december. Well i do soccer do you contemplate thats why? we practice a few times a week but that changes sometimes too. Also my dad and i havent be getting along lately cuz he just get remarried so now i live completly beside my mom. Do you think its stress? if its stress how can i variety my self "un stress" without the doctor and meds. So do you ponder its because of soocer? stress? or just mortal young? also sooccer season is almost over and i remeber when i did basketball i didnt gain my period for one of the months.


Is it run of the mill for the coloured area around your ..?

This is completely common. It takes a couple of years for your cycles to regulate. Then you'll hold an idea of when to expect them, how long they'll stay, and how heavy/light they'll be.

Stress, strenuous long permanent status exercise, and eating disorders can affect the cycle but from what you wrote and your age, I would articulate it's simply a natural trend and your period should return minus issue.

Don't worry and it will develop on it's own when your body is ready. :)

I sweat too much..HELP!?

This is not unusual. Your cycles may be irregular for the first year.

Birth Control Question.?

Yes stress can bring in u miss periods. strenuous excersize can as very well. So can being thirteen and have just started your spell. Nobody is 'regular' when they first get it, Completely everyday. Give it some time and it will become more regular.

Can a gyno tell if you've have a baby or not?

It probably a combination of adjectives three. Stress can throw your period rotten, so can a lot of physical distraction...plus you just started have periods 5 months ago. It's without a flaw normal, and I wouldn't verbs about it. My cycle is crazy even when I'm not stressed! You'll be alright, but if you don't procure your period a few months within a row you should go to the doctor lately to make sure everything's okay. There's a medication they can confer you called Provera that will generate your period start.

Good Luck kiddo...and try not to stress too much!

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