I sweat too much..HELP!?

I have really; really sweaty armpits and it's SO degrading :(
It shows through every shirt I wear. Sometimes I have a huge pit stain and I don't even know it. I use Degree deodorant. What should I do?

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Ask your pharmasist for "Drysol" it's a liquid antipersperiant that you apply earlier bed for several nights surrounded by a row then periodically after that. It help. I have impossible to tell apart problem. You don't need a perscription but they almost other have it stored at the rear the counter. It costs anywhere from $10 to $20 depends on the pharmacy but one tiny bottle should last approaching six months.

If that doesn't help after talk to your doctor. There could be other issues cause this.

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Ask your dr... There are prescription antiperspirants.

I am really downy?

go to a doctor and they can give you liek prescription deoderent or something

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First, see a doctor to rule out a medical condition. Next, shave your arm pits and apply an anti-perspiant. An anti-perspirant stops the sweat. Deodorants a short time ago neutralises the smell. If all of the above does not work, afterwards you may have to wear pad under your arm pits to collect the excessive wetness. This ultimate suggestion is a quick fix to a problem that requests to be addressed by a doctor. Sometimes a human being's hormones are out of whack and they need a hormone replacement to assist stabilise everything.

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It sounds like you might enjoy a condition called hyperhydrosis. This is when your armpits sweat profusely, to the point that the sweat shows through your clothes, simply like you're describing. This is a condition that is to say treatable. It sounds really strange, but they inject botox in various places underneath the arms, and somehow the botox greatly decreases the sweating! Strange, huh? Anyway, I'd suggest seeing a doctor going on for this so you can get started next to treatment as soon as possible. :-)

Lost voiceHow do I get it final?

i have indistinguishable problem :(. get a special ultra strong deoderant. if that doesnt work later go to a doctor.

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This is what happen to my friend. What she did is she went to the doctor and get prescription stuff. It worked for her. It will most likely work for you. DO NOT WORRY

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A doctor call round couldnt hurt if it is causing you anxiety. Also within is over the counter stuff called "Certain-dri." You use it at dark and it is supposed to reduce wetness for the following morning. It says you dont own to use deodarant the next daylight but i do anyway. Its worth a shot to try. It works for me but my problem isnt severe. I have see it in Walmart, Target, and CVS. Not too expensive any. But if thats not strong enough in that are prescription deodorants or I even hear they are doing Botox in the underarms to reduce or exterminate excessive sweating. Amazing!

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You know everyone says saline is bad for you but its not impossible for everybody. some people want more salt surrounded by their diet . it does help the body retain moisture (sweat) probably a bit more salt surrounded by your diet may help

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get a perscription anti deoderant that should give support to.

Period help?

wow i sweat lots too and
its soo embaressing i really
detestation gym class because of that
in gym you could wear a soccer
shirt or something or a coolmax
clothing piece. but what i would recomend
is botox. not heaps people know of this
treatment but you grasp it done around
your sweatglands. its a costly procedure
with some relitvie backache. but remember botox
anywhere lasts 2 months

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