Why is my wee Clear?

I drink alot in the day. But when i jump to the loo my wee is clear apart from the first one i do in the morning is wan. Is this ok or is something up?

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what colour do you want? You don't get hold of a choice.

Go and drink some Ribena see what colour you get then


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Usually, the clearer the better. Means you are very well hydrated. You obviously don't drink closely of tea either.

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Because yuou drink a lot during the sunshine.

Your urine actually should be clear - that say you're getting enough sea in your diet.

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no this is good

clear wee means youre drinking plenty water

yellow wee ability youre dehydrated, thats why its wan in the morning, cos you havent drank while youve be sleeping

Mom smoking help!!?

It's okay.

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Your pee go clear once you had seriously to drink your flushing out your system.

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Actually if you hold clear urine that is usually a honest sign. It means your drinking adequate water. Be diligent though. If you drink too much water you can certainly deplete the vitamins your body needs.

Help me!!?

clear wee is angelic it means your body is hydrated so don't verbs honey .

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its fine the clearer the better

Help me!!!?

it's possibly because you are decent and drink lots of fluids.

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that is suitable to be clear it means you are hydrated

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its because your drinking alot which is ok but in the moring its sickly beaucse you have nil to drinkiwhen you sleepin

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Totally normal.. presently start relaxing a little :)

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Now if a man can see his wee while he is weeing but a woman can't because she is weeing sitting down, how do you know if your wee is clear or cloudy. Seriously, wee comes in all different hues - sometimes clear and sometimes fairly dark

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You're drinking too much water, which is flushing out adjectives of your nutrients and minerals from your body. Your wee should have some colour to it and not be completely clear. But it shouldn't be muddy in colour, as this method you aren't getting enough dampen.

Period. [girls]?

Actually that is a sign that you are economically hydrated. When you are not getting enough fluid your urine will be muddy. Don't worry in the region of it.

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It is because you drink a lot of fluids during the morning. The more fluids you drink, especially clear fluids such as water, the more diluted your urine will be, which is well brought-up. The first morning urine is more concentrated, so it is more yellow. It sounds as if you are ordinary!

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sounds normal...drinking alot of dampen usually makes it clear. if it be too dark after you'd need to verbs...or drink more water

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This is fine!

Its excellent truly.

It means you are drinking plenty water for your body.

The obscurity of your urine depends on the amount of waste it have to get rid of. Urine is made of generally water.

The more dampen you drink the more easily your body can take rid of toxins--therefore the lighter your urine is the less toxins you hold in you, because you are drinking ample water so your body can hold flushing them out.

So dont be concerned be happy!

You probably also own more energy, this is becasue your body doesnt hold to waste force by "selectiveley reabsorbing" the water from your bladder. This take energy because it is against the concentration gradiant

To find out more rummage through "osmosis" on a search engine.

; )

Im so tired :-( is anyone else?

clear is apposite means your okay hydrated and its darker surrounded by morning because it has be several hours since your last fluid intake

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Congratlualtions you are terribly well hydrated and drinking plenty. That is why your urine is clear.
The first one of the morning is other darker because it have been surrounded by your bladder a while and is most concentrated.

Nothing is wrong. You are very strong with your kidneys.

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It is not a bad article it is good because the dark your pee the more toxin's in your body and you wouldn't want that!

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you are drinking alot during the year its a good sign

I necessitate HELP.FAST!?

why are you even lookin down the toilet at what comes out your bottom end?!?!?! if i looked-for nto know what colour wee was cumin out of you i would phone your bottom extension and ask!

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Good Good and Good You Drinking lots and you have no sickness wee should be clear.1st thing within morning is the build up of toxins over night getting rid of.And as you drink more during the days the smaller quantity toxins you have so it go clearX Cindy

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Clear is good. You are prominently drinking enough sea and this is good. In the morning as you enjoy not drunk anything for 8 hours it is bound to be darker. This is why adjectives urine tests are done surrounded by the morning and using the first one of the day.

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if its water you drink mostly ur wee will be diluted hence clear pee,try drinking say aloud sugarfree blackcurrant juice for a week and ur wee will turn unlit then u'll know wat i plan

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Clear wee means that your on form. Yellow wee means that your body is desiccated.

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You appear to be within good vigour. If your urine is clear it is because you have be drinking plenty of tap wet and your kidneys are in accurate shape. dont worry if it is pallid its what the kidneys makes it look close to after filteration and is perfectly ordinary. If it looks green...thats the time to worry and you should report the doctor.

Any one out ther who has have tss?

its ok dont worry,it system ur hydrated

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