What could be making my stomach other bloated!?

No I am not pregant. I do drink milk and eat dairy. I do not drink deeply of water any. What is an easy, speedy way to see whats cause it?


I'm on birth control.. and I finished my period, after 5 days later, I start bleeding again.. is this average?

A messed up colon can cause your stomach to be bloated. All that food that you put away , if not disposed of properly can stay within your colon for a long time causing increase build up on your colon and can grounds you to get bloated. All you involve to do is take a colon cleaning program.

What is the severe form of PMS call and?

u need to poop

Why is it call the menstrual cycle?

if you drink carbonated drinks it will blow up up like a blowfish! It reallys depends on the soul but a lot of things hold that affect.

To the women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) have you taken tablets for it? And does it work?

Maybe you ate something discouraging or you are getting your period soon

If you hold a lump on your Brest and are under 40, should you be alarmed?

"I love Mia Esposo" can enunciate it...YOU HAVE TO TAKE A SH**

I am 26yrs old. I will never know how to conceiveso should i marry or not? please help..?

You hold excess wind.

A press for women.?

I'm a male and own the same problem. It is gassy food. You also may be ingestion too fast or not chewing your food plenty. Cut out fizzy drinks and eat plenty of veg and fruit.

Womanly put somebody through the mill?

Eating too much...


Eating too much stodgy food..

Try cutting down on starchy foods, gain plenty of fibre, avoid drinking water/fluid beside or directly after meals.

How can I increase my cup size please existent answers only Thanks?

try adjectives down on breads and foods that contain a lot of fiber. Of course since I am a guy conceivably you are experiencing something that women are familiar next to and I know they take medication for stuff approaching that. so it could be a women thing.

Belly getting bigger is it pms?

If you you enjoy pain beside the bloating and just only just started bloating, have you ever be diagnosed with Crones disease.
Something you should look into if the bloating and stomach cramp is together.

Nuvaring birth control?

bloating maybe due to weave in stomach. the following article may comfort to explain


I have be cramping really bad and get the impression like i hold tons of gas and feel resembling my stomach is going to growl ,p

II have indistinguishable problem and my mum thought i was pregant which i know i wasnt, so went to the docs and i hold irritable bowel syndrom, there is no cure of late certain things you can put away to calm it down but thats me i would move about and see your doctor.

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