Periods have come and immediately gone?
I trying to find a doctor to minister to me lose weight?
i abominate it when that happens i go to see my nurse about that she said it because am on the pill and getting elder i mean am individual 24 for godsake.
The back of my shoulder blades and front of me are so sunburned?
low hormone rank maybe.I'm on the pill, but i'm bleeding?
harmons.Question more or less gynocologist visit.?
TALK ABOUT IT!, that happen to me all the time, contained by the morning it will be really bad and contained by the after noon it will be scarcely anythink, just drops.its everyday just receive sure your always protecting freshly in valise! :)
am in sick, about your situation possibly is a sign that period is coming
What side effects hold you had beside the implanon birth control method?
Are you breastfeeding still? I would sometimes bleed for a little while afterwards it would disappear then I wouldn't bring a period months at a time whilst breastfeeding, and when I stopped breastfeeding, they disappeared completely from october until January.It take a while for them to settle down sometimes because of all the hormones that resembling to throw wild party still.
By all mechanism, continue to bug your doctor if you have a feeling that's the right thing to do, but it's basically one of those things that happens after have a baby...or that's what I found anyway :)
Need lend a hand with sweating?
I would dally a week and try another test if that one denial also, I would go to the doctor and take home them check my beta H C G levels! are you stressed sometimes stress can net you late or miss a spell all together- Do i have a drinking problem..?
- I get really bad period pains like a throbbing sensation, I get hot & sweaty & I get diarrhoea? What is it?
- Ovary pain?
- What prenatal care?
- Using tampons for the first time back (real answers only)?
- I shave my legs and my arms and adjectives but theres another place im curious roughly speaking. (Girls ONLY)?
- Girlfriend is on Loestrin 1.5/30 or somthing approaching that and she wishes to know when she can own sex unprotected
- I started Birth Control this bygone month, and I very soon enjoy have my time for a month straight. Is that conventional?