Need help beside sweating?

well my situation is kind of unnatural. I wake up the morning at 6:00 to move about to school and the second i procure into class i realize that ive sweated so much under my arms. I really never know that im sweating because i can't touch it until one of my friends point it out. Then throughout the whole university day I sweat like mad but it doesn't smell at all. Then the second i go and get home and throughout the whole sunshine im at home, i dont sweat at all and i dont take it. Does anyone know what it could be and how i can treat it. I've just started have this problem a few weeks ago.

A sex question?

in recent times make sure you wear deoderant and conceivably not really tight clothes. also make sure your wearign breathable fabric, you know? like cotton..things similar to that cuz even if you dont know it..your body may be over heating. Also perchance when your sitting keep your arms away from your body, i dont stingy up in the heavens hah but like..on your desk so they can kinda nouns out.

hope this helps

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did you recently rework schools or are you within a new environment? or did somethign at arts school change? plentiful times sweating can be a result of nervousness, anxiety, or it could purely be temperature related. is it hotter at arts school than it is at home?

additionally, it could be hormonally induced, perhaps if you are going through puberty or own undergone some changes contained by your lifestyle.

there are copious reasons as to why one sweats, but the underlying science is duplicate, where your body is trying to cool down your body heat because it thinks that it is too lofty. hence, your blood vessels dilate, resulting in increased blood flow, which can result in sweating.

try using a honest deodarant (ie. secret platinum works really all right for me) and wearing loose clothing that doesn't make u too hot. don't verbs too much or get too anxious if that's a factor.

hope that help!

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hey! i own that problem sometimes at school. i sweat profusely when i homily to a guy i like. is near a guy at school whom you enjoy a crush on? ;) it also could be the airconditioning/heating system in your school mixing withthe humidity outside.also, do you shave within often? the more you shave, the smaller quantity you sweat. if it is really a problem, i think some doctors can perscribe perscription anti-prespirant deoderant. i wouldnt verbs about it. consent to your mom know about the problem and see what she say, and if youre concerned, ask her to take you to the doctor. I hope I help!


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