What food can give you more sparkle?

I have a exceptionally active and social duty and i find i get home from work i don't want to chat or do anything coz i'm exhausted! How can i tender myself more energy? :-)

I consistency like i'm margarine?

you should be eating a improved diet keep away from adjectives the fizzy drinks, coffee carbs sugary crap you need to be have bananas especially whole food nuts grain home made flap jack made with a Good feature oat s and whole suppertime flour sweet end beside Honey are a good mid morning snack to stop you nibbling on crap .I also bear a supplement called co-q10 they are from a company call natures best don't be tempt to buy cheap you are wasting your money. Check this supplement out on there site it may backing you a lot it did me.

How tons do I take?


...red bull is well brought-up stuff too

My man? help me please?

fruit and veg. Bananas are intended to help

Ladies, do you ever get hold of cramps that feel similar to PMS but aren't?

Pine kernels, sesame and pumkin seed are great for an energy boost and also boost the immune system!

Mom smoking assistance!!?


Menstrual question?

just chill near pudding chips and peas

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You hold to watch what you put away and drink. I am quite busy and other on my feet so I drink a lot of fruit, drink loads of marine and green tea and try to get 8 hours sleep every hours of darkness.
Bananas are excellent energy boosters. I also lone eat wholemeal bread and pasta.it keep you going longer.

Birth control issues?

Anything with glucose which is of late a form of sugar. But that doesn't last long. Much better is a slow release carbohydrate similar to porridge, pasta, or anything made with oats.

Isn't it not a upright idea to ever promote birth control next to young population (under 25) who aren't married?

Dont try and do two things at once.
When you get within, relax before fixing your tea.
Then agree to that digest.
I thinkl sugary things are a quick fix that fizzle out contained by a matter of hours, pinch vitamins and cereal in the morning, these will remain in your system for the best part of the daytime.

Are there specific tampons that you should wear while swiming?

Nuts usually do. They maintain Robert Goulee away! But really, they have lots of protein which funds energy.

I wanna know one article?

Mushrooms have more protein pound for pound than T bone steak.

I deem i want to have sex but end time i did my vagina started to hurt what should i do?

Bananas release energy slowly so they should be correct as a snack mid afternoon. good luck.

Can somebody suggestion some good tips or exercise to create my female bit as same as it was on first hours of darkness?

Foods like pasta because they own carbs. Salads and veg and fruit all sound so will make you grain better instead of feeling bloated which can clear you feel tired. Drink lots of marine as this will keep you hydrated too.

Ladies, can you clarify something for us men?

I agree next to some of the answers you have already have,
yes bananas are good.
Try to stay away from white flour,white bread, white pasta etc
they adjectives tend to make your zest level drop within the afternoon.
Definately no Red Bull as it contains large amounts of cafine and sugar, possibly aspartane or other artificial sweetener
that enjoy been related to health risks.
If you know your blood group I can permit you have some diet sheets that update you what foods are benificial and those that are not good for your type.
I can also advocate you on varios other vitamin and mineral
drinks that are totaly natural and would definately boost your sparkle and give you what your body requirements to lead a full and stirring life.
I am here to abet if you want to contact me.
Good luck from Julie..

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