
Well im 14. And i was wondering if when you have sex and you wear a condom but not on birth control if its almost similar to not wearing nething at all! Because sum ppl were adage Condoms dnt really work so do Birth Control nut i dnt want to do that (when i do have sex)! So what are the best condoms 2 use??! And how do they work exactly??!
Any Cmmnts and/or Tips would be nice!

And plz if your gonna say im too youthful or i shouldnt be worried about this stuff and put in your critizism and stuff similar to that just dnt say nething at adjectives plz!


Is in attendance a side effect when you embezzle the pill not on the first sunshine of your menstruation?

If a condom is used correctly and does not break, it is as effective as a birth control pill. But you have to remember, respectively form of birth control has it's flaws. The pill needs to be taken at like time each day and can not be missed for it to be at it's 99% worth rating. The same goes for condoms. If you put them on incorrectly, if they are not the right size, if semen leaks out the bottom, or if they break, they will not be as decisive as they should be.

However, condoms are the only form of birth control that can prevent pregnancy AND std's. It is extremely important to hold concern for your health regarding sexually transmitted diseases. Far too plentiful people are having unprotected sex and are spreading adjectives types of std's. Personally, I have never had a condom break, and out of adjectives of my friends who have been have sex over the years, only one of them has have a condom break. She used the Plan B pill and did not become pregnant.

Using condoms is an extremely wise idea when you start have sex. Even if the person is your boyfriend and he says he have no std's, unless you have seen the results of his recent examination you should use a condom. And if you can't get on the pill for some reason, condoms are a great form of birth control. For abundant people, this is all they use which is fine. But it's an even better concept to use 2 forms of birth control..a condom and something else, whether it be the pill, spermicide, etc. That way you know std's are being taken consideration of, and you have a double barrier to prevent pregnancy.

I recommend trusting your partner and respecting yourself and your body, no issue what age you are. That is what is most important. Be honest when talking to your partner, and if they junk to use birth control or a condom, it is ok to say no. A few minutes of pleasure with some bump who says he won't wear a condom, is not worth having his kid for the rest of your life or having him infect you and cost you your energy. Yes, these are extreme circumstances, but it does happen. That's the reality. Be nontoxic, be honest, be careful. Best wishes.

Is it true that theres is very soon a manly birthcontrol pill .. i swear i hear this on the radio the other light of day ...?

Condoms are only 99% successful and then if you use it wrong then nearby is a bigger chance of you getting pregnant. You always own to wear a condom though. Also birth control has the same amount of efficiency as condoms do. Also in my opinion and like mad of people I know Trojans are the best condoms and they don't break as easily as some of the other ones. Another article is if you are not on birth control you should probably get another way to stop you from getting pregnant and one of them is spermicide. You can find spermicide at walmart or any store like that. With spermicide you squirt it in you no longer than an hour past sex and it can also kill the sperm, but it is 80% effective too.

Girls support. term junkkkkk.?

You're not to infantile to be asking questions, the more you know the safer you are.

Condoms act as a hedge between yourself and him. It wont let sperm through. It also helps prevent STDs. They aren't 100% forceful but they can help. You should also be on birth control to help prevent conception, but again its not 100%

You own to decide what the best ones are for yourself, everyone is different.

WHATS ovalating??

You should always use condoms even if you are on birth control. Birth control does not protect against STD's. Condoms do, I prefer Trojan. I'm not going to enlighten you you're too young BUT before you do opt to start having sex you should get adjectives the information on STD's and sexual health. Try going to and it will give you lots of information on different STD's. Don't believe everything you're friends say aloud because they may not know what they're talking about. Talk to a doctor or your mother. The Internet can support with some of the information but it may not all be correct.

Women... Vagina?

comdoms and VERY confidently be broken and luck to not get pregnant is to be on birth control and use a condom, becuase both can fail...they work by the mannish putting it on his erect penis...just wait a short time, im not saying your too young, but you will swot up more then, or if you think youre primed, do some research first...=]]

Girls with the sole purpose!!! cross-examine roughly speaking tampons?

Condoms alone are very effective when used properly. I've hear reports from 85% to 99% effective.

Most all condoms you can find are of one and the same quality. So whatever condom works for you is the one you should buy.

Though remember! The simply 100% effective birth control method is abstinence! :)

After gym?

Condoms can break or opening, so it's best to use them with another form of birth control. That being said, no bc pill is going to protect you from an STD, so condoms are historic!

There's no particular type or brand that's better than another condom; it's a personal preference.

I am 15 my boy friend want to enjoy sex , I am afried due to dull pain and pregnency consequently how to progress roughly speaking?

Well if your worried roughly that, you should wait until your married. All condoms are the same, they adjectives break if your not careful && birth control isnt always 100% undisruptive

What happen at the emergency room when.?

Hi im 17, I use Durex normal I find they are the best. I dont like the ones that tingle and shudder and what else lol. I would just get the plain ones to originate with and also you will get alot more pleasure by using the plain ones as the fellow will ejaculate quicker beside the ones that tingle, now dont get me wrong they quality nice in you aswell but like I be saying if you want more pleasure get the none tingling ones. The condom get put over an erect penis before he penetrates you and most of the time holds all the man ***. Just make sure you put it on the right way and move out some room at the top to keep the *** there. You a moment ago need some practise, dont be afraid to try it out, you will probably get it wrong your first time as I did but you own plenty of other times lol. Do always use condoms unless you want to have a infant.
All the best hun

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¿¿Girls does it hurt too doomed to failure when u enjoy sex beside a guy beside a big penis?
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