Painful genital area/period pains?

Hi all,
Getting worried about a problem i'm have and just needed to see if anyone ever experianced similar problems. The best way I can describe the misery I'm having is resembling period pains, all the same I am not on or near my extent. I have a nonspecific strong pain tremendously low down which feels similar to its in my vaginal wall nouns and the pain also spreads round my anal nouns too. It gives me a really strong feeling of need to wee all the time and a premonition of needing to hold a bowl movement. It isn't constant but is becoming more frequent and is very irritating and reasonably unbearable at times. Strangely plenty though sex hasnt been bloody at all. It is fundamental enough like pain I use to experiance when I have my periods since I went on the pill slightly a few years back. I am getting thoroughly paranoid that it could be something very serious but I appear to always be at the doctors lately and accordingly am not running back straightaway, I appear to be a walking health problem! Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

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I feel I know what you are talking more or less. I have also experienced this and be very worried. I spoke to my doctor and he said that this happen when the eggs descend. It is cramping due to ovulation. If the pain get unbearable you should see a doctor.

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see your doctor. why u on this site asking! Not as it costs you to see them :-)

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Please don't worry just about bothering the doctor that's what they are there for.
I have a really bad inflamation on my hip following a coup?? crash on 10th April- which I realise is nothing similar to what you are feeling but it concluded up being cellulitits which I have to get antibiotics for, if I hadn't I could own been contained by serious trouble.
Better to be safe than sorry. Go to the docs!! Please!!

Irregular extent?

Maybe it is a twisting Ovary, this happens around two weeks before your length. Or maybe its a cyst i would obtain it check if i was you.

Good Luck

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