Urinary Tract Infection?

I think i may enjoy a urinary tract infection, because i have heaps of the symptoms, except i'm already on antibiotics. is it possible to get an infection while on the treatment for it?

Answers:    I'm confused. Were you already diagnosed beside a UTI, and it returned? OR Are you taking antibiotics for a different infection and now you also enjoy a UTI?

Sometimes different antibiotics can cause irritations and kill in cold blood the "good" stuff. Often times women get yeast infections after taking antibiotics because the antibiotics enjoy killed the apt biotics.

I would recommend continuing the antibiotics until you are finished with the prescription. Also, drink plenty of river and cranberry juice. You may even want to purchase some cranberry pills, which are more concentrated.

Of course, if the UTI continues, call on your doctor because you don't want the infection to spread to your kidneys. Trust me, I've had horrific kidney infections in olden times and they are PAINFUL!!
drink cranberry juice, pee after intercourse, and wipe from front to posterior, you'll be fine Yes,

You have to help yourself to the antibiotics consistantly. If you take some next to orange liquid or other acid liquid, you may lessen or erase the effect.

Still, drink plenty of water and cranberrry liquid. See you doc.

I could take 3 days to go and get over.

How'd you get it?
Sometimes when you are taking antibiotics for a UTI you can downfall up getting a yeast infection, and they feel abundantly like the symptoms of a UTI. The antibiotics eradicate off correct bacteria and yeast over-grows. It's totally common for this to happen. However, don't lug my word for it...I would call your doc, they will communicate you what you need to do. Yes.
A) the antibiotics you're taking I assume are for something else? They are normally specialized, targeting secure areas or types of bacteria; the one you're taking for something else presently may not have much if any impact on the urinary tract if, voice, it tends to concentrate within the sinuses, for a sinus infection.

b) They might be resistant to the antibiotic, even if it is one designed for a urinary tract infection. This is one reason why doctors try to culture sample for infections like this, to see what you've get, and often to experiment it to see what will kill it. This is why it's so key to take antibiotics as directed, so you don't create more resistant strains.
If adjectives you are on are the antibiotics, it may take a while for the symptoms (burning on urination?) to subside. The drugstore have stuff for the symptoms. One brand is AZO but there are generics available.

If you enjoy recurrent UTI, write me through my e-mail for my story and how I stopped mine.
Eat yogurt too. yes. and usually when i receive a UTI, it takes a few days of taking the antibiotics earlier i feel any better. i freshly got over one, and it wasn't until the end day of a 7-day cycle of antibiotics that i feel better. also, if you are being treated for something else, i would telephone the dr. just to see if the pills will also treat the UTI, or if you need another antibiotic. you can also move about to CVS or another drugstore and buy strips to test whether or not you in fact have a UTI. i've used them (i draw from UTIs frequently), and they're pretty accurate.
there are masses causes for UTI, and it doesn't really situation how exactly you got one (like someone asked you), purely take it seriously. the infection can take into your kidneys, and believe me, speaking from experience, you DO NOT want that to happen.

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