Im to afraid to get minister to ?

I have other hurt my self but only chicken scratch but never very commonly only when i'd obtain extremley upset , but my partner knew aobut it and seem fine. Recently I've had and abortion which I consistency disgusting about but am glad I did it at 8 weeks, but slashed my wrists 8 times near a razor purely to punish myself and get my reliase from the anger and hatred i feel for myself , my partner go mad at me I underatand why but I dnt consistency lyk ill do it again .. I wont move about for help as I attempted suicide at 13 and I loathed every moment with the councillor and wont turn for 1 again as i will close up and lie I dnt surface i have a problem and wont do it again but my partner think i need councling back my job starts on the 28th of May as he say i may have a break down at work . I carnt travel councillling and wont do it again I rember my baby evry hours of darkness and dont need a councillor/doctor to backing me as im coping betta. how can I persuade my partner that I aint bordering on suicide/ depression ?


Friend help.?

(you speaking) "I know how you deliberate i want to commit suicide and how you think im depressed.. I am not close to commiting suicide and i never will be." (if hes your husband or bf..) " i love you and i would never do anything bad that would cause you sad... I know how you meditate i want to commit suicide.. but i dont... i just right to be heard that because i get realy terrible some times about (put it here). I am terribly sorry."

Girls please!!?

maybe counseling is the best option. its palpable your partner cares more or less u and is trying to help. but if u rly infer ur ok then c how long u can budge without have "bad" thoughts run into ur head. if u cn move about a while then adjectives that stuff u did was because u be rly upset. prove all of this to him and try to explain y u wnt be in motion, tell him its ur choice and u definately wnt exterminate urself

The care for deliverd woman?

First maby you and him can read some articals on adjectives on the internet...Let him know that it is not a form of suiside attempts but a way to relise...No I am not justifing what you are doing...But I do get the drift.And maby by reading the articals on the internet together you can find a cyber support group.No councilling pressure but some ppl who know to talk to in the order of it.Hope this helps. And I am sorry you are going thro adjectives this.I would love to say it will capture better...But life suprises us and it is strong to deal.You have need of support to stop.

Does anyone in here enjoy this and want to talk?

For one u requirement to show him that your not cutting yourself. Then it might gain better. I also think that u entail to talk to someone around the problem. As for not wanting to go spinal column to a counselor there could be something here to. Did u have a doomed to failure experience with the council er. I have an idea that your partner is worried that the stress of a new situation will cause u to hurt your self. And you may try lately sitting down with your partner and chitchat to him about the problem. I know that purely talking to my husband nearly my miscarriage has help me alot.

Trying to get pregnant!?

You can convince your partner that you're in honourable mental health by have a visit next to your doctor or therapist. If you aren't messed up you should enjoy nothing to foreboding. If you're having most important guilt about your conclusion to have an abortion you really should stir in for some analysis. Chances are you made the right decision for your go but having someone demonstrate your feelings could really turn a long way toward helping you to cope next to your loss. Hurting yourself usually means that you're not allowing yourself to discern emotional cramp so you create it physically, please don't put yourself in jeopardy, see a professional. If you love your partner, revise to love yourself, too. That is the truest expression of love.

How long after i star drinking contraceptive pills can i have out of danger sex and not get pregnant?

As a mental long-suffering myself, I understand your message faultlessly.

This is the loudest scream for aid that I've heard contained by a long time.

Being an attempted suicide and a cutter are both serious signs.

Please call 1-800-SUICIDE first casual you get; they will put you contained by touch with local resources.

Stick beside it until you open up near a therapist. If not near one, ask to try someone else; not every patient clicks beside every therapist.

My solitary regret is that I waited decades to go and get help--go now!

Im so vastly very worried? please help me next to this?

Your partener is right, you really do need to collaborate to someone, There is all kind of help out here. there is group psychotherapy, one on one. IN your local phone book there is a crises hot queue, you could call them, when you start foreboding this way. They will never know who you are. here is a national hotline 1-800-784-2433. You really inevitability to get your self some assistance. You can change drs. if yu don't close to the one you have. There are some really apposite Drs. and therpist out there. When you are 13, everything is alot harder near out telling society how you feel. you are elder now, You might metamorphosis your life and grain good in the region of it. There is so much out there adjectives you have to do is snatch for it. Life is what you make of it. I know it can be really tough. It sounds approaching you got a really obedient partener. He wants to serve you, let him. You will touch so much better about yourself. You deserve to be at ease, go for it.

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