How do doctors know if u hold a UTI?

like do you pee in a cup?

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Urinalysis (which is the series of tests they run on urine after they acquire a specimen) is the primary way to find out if you hold some kind of UTI. They may interview for any of a myriad of substances or organisms, including the bacteria that could be responsible for a UTI. How they get hold of that urine varies by situation, but within many cases, yes, you would be required to pee contained by a cup.

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They go by your symptoms and do a urinalysis. They will endow with you a special antibacterial wipe to clean yourself and consequently you urinate into a specimen cup. They check for presence of bacteria. Don't be humiliated. It's just pee and we've adjectives seen it.

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Yup. Then they test it. If you enjoy a UTI, they prescribe antibiotics to take support of it. Be sure to take them adjectives, even if you feel better.

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they will question paper your urine at the office and possibly dispatch it off to the lab to see if any microbes grow in it

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