Whitish clear gooey discharge

when i wiped i saw it. i didnt touch it but it looked gooey. i just finished mypeirod on august 1. is this typical? is there something wrong? if so what? btw im 16.

Answers:    Don't worry, it's usual :o)

This is why we need better sex education contained by schools, that is intended as no offence to you but a negative comment on the institution system that cannot even teach young women similar to yourself the basics of your body or how babies are made!

What you are seeing is fertile quality cervical mucus; this is the mucus your cervix produces when you are fertile, or contained by other words the days leading up to ovulation (ovulation normally occur from days 12-16 of your menstrual cycle). Your vagina is normally acidic which would be set to sperm would be killed off; when you are fertile your body produces this fertile standard cervical mucus to protect the sperm against the acidic environment of your vagina. This fertile quality cervical mucus also act as a way for the sperm to climb up through your cervix and to the fallopian tubes to reach the egg to fertilise it. You solitary release one egg every cycle, that egg only lasts for up to 48 hours, however that cervical mucus is made a few days previously the egg is released and keeps sperm alive for a few more days that it would be able to survive generally within your vagina, meaning that the sperm can stay around long adequate within your vagina to reach the egg once it is released.

This is why you are simply fertile for a few days of your cycle, any other time it would be impossible to get pregnant – that is not to say aloud that you can assume you are fertile on specific days of your cycle, without charting your cycle perfectly (such as beside use of Fertility Awareness Method) you have no way of knowing for infallible when you are fertile or not so if you are sexually active you have to use another form of reliable birth control.

It’s usual and super-healthy to have clear or slightly white-tinged discharge that is gooey or stretchy, you may also see your toilet paper glides more easily across your vulva and if you touch it next it will not dissolve on your fingers as much as normal discharge would. Without this gooey stuff you are seeing you would not be able to own children, it would be biologically impossible to get pregnant without this fertile power cervical mucus...it's one of those fantastically amazing things that make our bodies great.

Your discharge is constantly changing near the hormonal changes in your body, it’s awfully important you learn roughly speaking this so you know what discharge is normal at what time of the month – for example this gooey discharge when you are fertile, or little discharge after your period – when you know what is everyday for your menstrual cycle you will be able to tell what is out of the ordinary such as discharge that could be a sign of an infection. Discharge that is excessive, a funny colour, that smells bad, or have an odd texture is normally a big sign of a vaginal infection. This can also be well brought-up because women can use this discharge change to determine when they are fertile, either to build it easier to determine when to have sex in establish to have a baby, or when to avoid sex as a method of contraception – one ably known method of contraception using these body changes is Fertility Awareness Method [FAM], outstandingly effective and something I personally believe every woman would do biddable to learn to better understand her body, see http://www.tcoyf.com

If FAM is too much to bear in then I’d suggest looking at some original sexual health sites to better understand how your body works – this is not lately basics of your body but basics of how babies are made, something everyone should know! I similar to Scarleteen, it’s aimed at teens but isn’t patronising, is well-informed and body-positive, they have a moral article called 'Honourably Discharged' which is a guide to discharge http://www.scarleteen.com/article/body/h...

You are ovulating. If you of late finished your period almost 2 wks ago, then the timing is right for it. Don't verbs...totally normal! =) Its normal.. its vaginal discharge, your vagina cleaning itself out. If it is pallid, green or some other weird color and smells really bad, later start to worry..
yeah it's normal i hold it 2 my dr. said it's just somethin that happens to most teen girls (ask me why, idk why) Could be ovulating. If it is clear - you are OK!

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