Weird discharge?

i been have this clear goopy discharge coming from myvagina.
its kinda clearish white and sometimes comes out in these goopy globs...its gross...and annoying.
i know i KNOW i requirement to see a doc but i cant just nonetheless :(
soo if any of you have have something like this and know what it is and what to do please permit me know!

only serious answers please.

Answers:    Glands inside your vagina and cervix sort small amounts of fluid. This fluid flows out of the vagina each year, carrying out old cell that have crinkly the vagina. This is your body's way of keeping your vagina clean and clean. The discharge is usually clear or milky and doesn't smell bleak.

The color and thickness of the discharge correct with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when a woman is breastfeeding or when you're sexually excited.

Changes that may signal a problem include an increase contained by the amount of discharge, a change contained by the color or smell of the discharge, and irritation, itchiness or burning in or around your vagina. This is call vaginitis. A discharge that's stained with blood when you're not have your period could also be a sign of a problem. Some other types of infections such as yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis can also incentive discharge that is usually accompany by odor such as beer/yeast/fish.

I would recommend that if you have any of these signs or any concerns about this you consult with your doctor for a proper diagnosis and for proper treatment should you enjoy anything other than simply a normal vaginal discharge.

Good luck :)
it happen to everyone - its no big deal. but if it starts smelling unexpected, you should see your gyno asap You don't need to see a doctor. That's impeccably normal. If it become very runny or cloudy or change color, then you call for to see a doctor (or if it itches or burns)
Vaginal discharge is normal. Unless its smelly or a chance colour its your internal cleaning system. The mucas is produced for other reasons (lube) but this is how you verbs yourself. Dont worry to much around it, certain times of the month its different. I find it and have other had it some more consequently others get it. could me multiple things yeast infection to std's similar to chlamydia, syphilis, maybe even hpv?
Could be usual... get a pap
My doctor told me that as long as the discharge is a milky white color you shouldnt be worried. It sounds typical but im not a doctor and everyone is different so go acquire it checked. also look on web md. It can be really informative while your waiting for an appointment. It norma!... It sucks, lol. It's a way of cleaning itself. Get some panty liner! :D
if its clear, there shouldnt be anything to verbs about. the things to be worried roughly in discharge is foul odor.

but this cooperation tells roughly speaking discharge and all that lovely stuff.
i hope it help you.
Your probably ovulating. Some women ovulate mid-cycle but it does not have to be that mode. It should only be starchy like that for a week and afterwards it will slow down to normal. If you don't hold any other symptoms like itching or smelly discharge, I penny-pinching you really can smell it, then you are freshly a normal woman! Fun, fun, fun. Why do you give attention to they have panty liner? listen I am not a doctor or anything but,this is just a suggestion.after have intercourse maybe adjectives of the fluids remain suspended until the next afternoon.If there is no funky smell,itching,burning or anguish with it after maybe that could be a possibility.only just try one thing douching right after intercourse and see if it still globs.sorry for not one technical or anything.
no inevitability to see a doctor, its normal. adjectives girls have discharge, its merely a way of your body cleaning yourself. i attain the same piece, like clumps and stuff, but if it smells funky next see your obgyn. its perfectly regular! If there is no odor or discoloration and you're not experiencing any affliction, burning, itching, rash, flush, discomfort, & you have no hot lesions, I'd enunciate you're probably just have normal discharge. The vaginal conduit maintains a continuously moist environment and most women do hold a mostly clear to white & slightly gelatinous discharge, it's normal. If this is a unusual thing for you or you are have any discomfort or new symptoms I would put in the picture you to see your doctor. But, if not, it sounds pretty usual to me.
I have have discharge for 3 years or so now. Its clear, dont smell and I go and get it every day except for when I am on my extent. I have have all test for STD's and also thrush tests, adjectives clear.
Please, if you are worried go see your doctor. It's not worth the verbs. It sounds just approaching a normal discharge and I know its annoying, but I enjoy learned to bring back used to it. With what you are saying and describing, I guess it could be one of three things (possibly, you know that I am going to tell you to see a Ob/GYN) but here go:

If it has a yeast approaching odor or a "cottage cheese" like discharge next it is probably a yeast infection. If it has a skeletal consistency and has no odor next it could mean you are pregnant. It is commonly innate for women to have a thicker translucent discharge and it expect nothing. Sexual intercourse can result in this type of discharge. Worst case it could aim you have contracted an STD so you involve to see a doctor!

Hope all go well...

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