Embarrasing to ask? Please Answer!?

Okay i never talk to anyone just about this but i really want to know. ive had my extent for a long time but for 3 years ive had this white glutinous (cottage cheese) kind of stuff right practical that pink thing within your vagina? ( like when you unfold the "lips") i know i suck at the vocabulary but please help me. what is it. lately its really smelling!

(ladies) I'm in stipulation of some help?

It sounds close to you have a yeast infection. There are products at your locale drug store, over the counter, that will lift care of that problem. There are tons ways to get a yeast infection. You can bring them from sex with a mannish who had sex beside another female next to a yeast infection, particularly since males they frequently do not know that they enjoy one. And if you cure it in you, he can hand over it back to you, so sometimes both of you requirement to obtain oral treatment from your doctor. Or if you enjoy been on antibiotics, the colloquial yeasts in the vagina will proliferate and motive that problem. Some doctors also indicate that wearing very tight clothes can also allow yeast to multiply to uncharacteristic levels.

It is a short time ago one of the many "joys" of mortal female, and comparatively easy to buy and sell with most of the time. If over the counter medication do not work, you can go to your line physician and they can prescibe diflucan. Two pills will usually do the trick.

What is the earliest age for a girl to start menstrating?

i think it's a short time ago the stuff that comes out before you catch your period. it's middle-of-the-road

Freaking Out, Despite Perfect Use?

how old are that could be a factor

Slim nouns?

"white thick cottage cheese" type stuff is usually one of the symptoms of a yeast infection. and especially if it have an odor too it. You shouldn't have permit that sit for 3 years. I would've gotten it checked out when it first started happening

Can u describe your dream partner's body,amount parts,colour, style?

definitely sounds like a yeast infection or an std. be in motion to your gyn as soon as possible.

I'm using the DEPOT injection, there is any side effect that I should know?

It might be a yeast infection and it have slight foul odor and itching. If it has a immensely foul odor it might be a bacterial infection that needs to be treated beside medication. Its not normal to bring one every month if its yeast so I recomend to go see a doctor. Don't be embarrased. Its sector of being womanly.

Does pooping hurt or is it just me?

it markedly sounds like a yeast infection - you could try over the counter meds and if they dont work, attain to the doc.

Why am i having brown discharge?

Have you be to the doctor in the final 3 years? If so.. you need to recount him about this problem... sometimes the doctor can over-look these things.. or sometimes the medication they supply does not work properly if not taken correct. I have this problem for a while too..I didnt let it travel on for 3 years though.. but it was a while.

I be bacterial vaginosis.. all they did be give me this cream to insert in the vagina ...and it cleared right up. in a couple of days..
go and get it checked out.. if you let it be in motion on for too long it could have fruitless effects .. like infertility and other things..

honest luck

Why do i feel so crap?

if it itches and smells foul it could be a yeast infection
If it is only just there and smells kinda resembling sweat it is probably a build of of a natural lubricant and skin protectant along next to dead skin cell that your body has shed but get trapped in the folds of your labia minora

I enjoy a 1cm vagina cyst ,i hate it at hand help next to support?

Sounds like you own some type of infection. You need to see a doctor ASAP. The doctor can aid you treat it. I know it's embarrasing, but that's what the doctors are there for. Just do it.

BAD put a bet on pain during period?

Hi! Sorry about your luck, but you hold either a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. I own had matching thing and even the gyno didn't spy it until I said something about it. Symptoms usually go away when your term comes along. Talk to your gyno about it and it can be treated next to only 2 small pills and you will be much happier in the region of it!! (It all happen to me too!)

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