About certain medication ?

my sister was taking the medication LORTABS for more than an year.presently doctors tell her she requirements to go cold -turkey as they call upon it . she has hysterics attacks & anxietyattacks , sweats and feels nauseaded and just about doesn't sleep at nights .she be told by her doctor she would have to stay at the hospital for a week . MY doctor will NOT donate them to me no more than a month when i'm in throbbing cause she say they are addictive and narcotics. why her doctor prescribe them to her for so long , don't seem right . she wishes to quit cold-turkey on her own to avoid hospital stay . can a person do it on their own ? she is diebetic & have heart problems. she also has big blood pressure. i didn't find out till recently that she be taking them for OVER a year . has anyone gone through this ? I sure could use your sustain & ideas . thank- you .

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In my experience I don't beleive Lortabs Have duplicate withdrawl as Other Painkillers. She will experience with drawl. Consisting Of sweats, body pain, diariha, and fatigue. Not to mention the extrem irritability. I suggest she is hospitalized because frequent people can hold seizures and most folks end up going support to them even if they have to buy them from the streets. She should return with help past she escaletes to Percocet.

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Your sister requests to be careful! I own been taking narcotics for over a year very soon for cronic back dull pain, and i have run out a few days hasty before , and it SUCKS and it feel like your dying,,She really should be monitored! Good luck! I quality for ya, i really know what your going through,,,,Sorry!

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With her other medical problems, she should be hospitalized but, she shouldn't have to quit "cold turkey". She should be given other meds, while the Lortabs work out of her system.

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It would be difficult to answer this short knowing what dose your sister was taking and what specifically her vigour condition is (I know you put down some diagnosis) but that doesn't say what meds she might be on or how ably she follows her diet, and what kind of overall commotion level and overall how powerfully she tries to take fastidiousness of her health.
That said I will influence that as a long term chronic niggle patient that she should look out about going cold turkey unless she have gradually pointed off her dose of lortab, that would be the best opening to do it at home on her own. Unfortunately if she is already out and was a pretty regular user it could be highly uncomfortable (and even dangerous), best warning, if she trust her Dr. then she desires to follow their instructions, if she doesn't trust her Dr. then she wishes to get a different one ASAP.

Good Luck, I do know how difficult this can be.

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She has to be slowly weaned past its sell-by date this drug. Her doctors are nuts to tell her to progress cold turkey especially in judgment of her other health problems.

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