WHY does a girl loose her extent when she starves or aneroxic?


Do pregnant women go on time of year?

Because your body isn't getting the nutrition it needs.
Take it from someone who be anorexic for years - go see a doctor. I've be eating for 10 years presently and I still have intestinal issues because my body can't tolerate closely of foods. It's not worth risking not being competent to have children, or have to avoid your favorite foods for the rest of your life.

Is within something wrong w/ me, I'm 8 days late and I'm not sexually helpful?

For god sake just run eat something

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Because she's denying her ovaries of necessary nutrients. Pretty inconsiderate for a person to transport potential life away from their unborn children. If I be you, I'd go scarf down a cheeseburger.

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Because her body is no longer healthy ample to bear children. It doesn't dissipate the valuable nutrients and dash that it takes to prepare for children and enjoy a period when the rest of it is adjectives.

Ok so I have an infection.?

Because at hand's nothing within there to bring back rid of! Your period is getting rid of both debris and nutrients, and when you aren't taking anything in, there's nought to put out.

Also, you have to hold relatively strong muscles to menstruate. Anorexia causes your muscles to atrophy.

Is their anything you can do to take your boobs bigger without surgery?

*see first answer*

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...because the body starts to shut down and just supplies nutrients to the heart for example... so you don't die... it's not a well-mannered sign if your periods stop.

Boils on my Vagina and underneath arms HELP !?

Because when you deprive your body of nutrition it effects your hormones and your glands. Your body has to hold nutrition. Diet, but eat!

How plentiful days between each menstruation?

id confer you and example when you are going to go to the bathroom but you havent eaten something in close to a week what are you going to take out of your body?another ex. if when you are doing sprts for a long time let say 8 hours within a row and you dont drink any liquid what happen?you dont swet why?cause you dont get any liquids contained by your body

hope i helped i tryed my best

Dearest frndz prob?

Because if said individual were to become pregnant surrounded by such a state, then that human being would be in mortal exposure. The body is taking care of itself - the brain will not distribute much needed nutrients to a non vital nouns.

Girls only!! really degrading..?

because when u starve yourself u lack nutrients and when u dearth nutrients ur body cant perform heaps of the tasks it usually can.

Why do I feel dizzy?

They don't enjoy enough freight and nourishment to transport a child or give birth.

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