What are some medicines and treatments used to treat PID?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is common among women.Inflammation of the feminine genital tract, especially of the fallopian tubes, caused by any of several microorganisms, chiefly chlamydia and gonococci, and characterized by severe abdominal throbbing, high disorientation, vaginal discharge, and in some cases destruction of tissue that can result in sterility.

my daughter is 18 yrs old and her breasts are too small, how it can blow up?

The preferred treatment (outpatient) for PID is an injection of Rocephin (ceftriaxone) 250 mg and a course of doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for a full two weeks.
Occasionally a character will be hospitalized and given these medications intravenously.
Other medication cover GC or Chlamydia, but this combination has be proven the most effective within preventing long-term problems such as infertility, when the infection has progressed to PID.

What would come up if a woman took mutlivitamins for men and if a man took multivitamins created for women?

Antibiotics, including:


These are all oral treatments.

Hope this help!

Can crying affect.?

Prescriptions from the doctor.

Why are their red bumps on my butt cheeks?

Antibiotics..but your get from doctors prescription..so consult a doctor.

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