
can a gynocologist tell if a girl be "fingered?"

My friend has a yeast infection , what should i do?

Can YOU speak about by looking at a vagina if that girl had ever be fingered before? Then what make you thing a gynecologist can? The gynecologist's chief convern is what's going on INSIDE the vagina and uterus, and could really care smaller amount if the girl had be fingered even if she could tell.

I am interested in taking vitamins but which is the best vitamin for a 35 year aged woman to take?

What brand of sick @ss qusetion is that. And yes they can.

It is june, and i just started my term in december. is it average to skip periods?

Well you see, the inner vagina tissue may bring back ripped within the uterus, and thus the doctor would see your fingerprints.
Now they know who you are, and they're coming for you.

You are done.

I get a question?

no they can't

NEED HELP ON Male Climax Control or any sex aid to minister to you stay hard longer and enjoy better sex?


I am 12 and?

nice avator makes you look angelic but yeah i dont know about that

Ladies, Unisex bathroom surrounded by dorm.what would you have done?


Breast slimming down surgery?

Not usually.unless it was massively aggressive. Parents often use such "myths" to deter youth from promiscuity.

I quality pukey sick i keep getting weaker every time i devour, what could be wrong?

yes,if they were a virgin

How habitually should i masturbate?

No they can't!

Brown discharge for 6 days, no menses come. checked with pregnancy tackle, ans negative.see does tis consider?

of curse......NO what make you suggest they can, you know some times a baby can born lacking a himen, so it just a mith that parents used to breed their kids more afraid oof sex and when they said they taking you to the doctor to see if your not longer virgyn dont get afraid nobody can enlighten you your not virgen Ok

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