Pain after sex?

I recently experienced some misery after sex.
What could it be from?
I heard that it might be from an orgasm surrounded by my uterus? Is that possible? I never even knew you could own an orgasm in your uterus. Can you?
Period should be coming, but not here nonetheless. I am on birth control, and the pain be experienced in my lower belly after unprotected sex. The pain did not end very long.

What could be the bring of it?
Has anyone else ever experienced this?
Thank you!

GIRLS! Emergency contercaption what does it do?

during certain times of the month your cervix is contained by a different, more vulnerable position, so it could be your guy's penis hitting your cervix. this have happened to me in the past it feels approaching you can't really move and if you try to move it hurts worse.but, it could be an std so just get hold of checked, youll be ok though

Found bruise on intimate area of fully developed speacial needs daughter.?

possibly an std progress to a doc

Swimming and tampons?

thats fucked up
ohhhh your screwed
rick are you gay

I have be using tampons for about 4 months in a minute and i want to know if i can use them at night?

You may enjoy PID Pelvic Inflamitory Disease.

How to make breasts look bigger?

You should check next to your gynocologist. You may have fibroids (which are sometimes painless) that can bring pain after sex. This is only just a possibility.

Uhhhh damn birth control.?

sorry can i ask your age.

How does it feel to enjoy boobs? would you rather hold smaller or bigger ones?

This could be a sign of an STD my friend had like peas in a pod thing so she go in to carry tested and she was positive

A ask for women.?

yeah, i recommend seeing the doc... that doesnt seem forceful... good luck to ya

Its be 4 months i lost my virgin,but i had sex beside my boyfrien last month and i`m have bad put a bet on pain,?

Could be lots of stuff.

You may a short time ago be having a muscle strain.

But it could be the first signs of and STD and you should attain checked immediately. You don't want to mess around next to something like that.

Also, why are you have unprotected sex!?!?! It's playing with fire at your age. Please do protect yourself! There are closely of rotten guys out there.

What could an irregular time of year mean? Read the details until that time you answre, okay?

Im pretty sure that if it doesnt happen over and over that you should be ok, but base on the fact you are not expierienceing your time of year anymore, I would go to a doctor and hold it checked out, well..I wouldnt, that would be a bit dificult in my valise..

Breast implants?

I dont know im a virgin. But i hold heard thats a sigh of pregnacy or std.

Hi,imissed my period last year for awhole year;but istarted again this time.what can be the wreak for it ?

Is this guy very... Large? I know someone who be with a man who be very hulking, and she actually developed a bladder infection because of his size.

I've never hear of the orgasm in the uterus entry. I'm thinking that maybe it be a bit too rough or too large, especially if the misery subsided after a short while.

Which type of pill (cilest or Diane etc) do u experience the most breast growth, weight increase?

hun, you know i reason i can figure that out, it could be something i know but be it your first time having sex

What does it niggardly when your period blood is brown? And you are not on birth control pills and you are 15?

First things that come to mind:
The force or angle of the thrusting could enjoy bruised your insides - it's temporary.
You could own been unsuitably lubricated, and the friction may have be too much on your vaginal walls.
The scariest of all- but still just as possible- an STD could've be transmitted during sex. You can absolutely perceive immediate strain, discharge, discomfort after transmission of an STD (in a business of minutes- if you know what feelings to look for) depending on what it is.
Check near your Doc ASAP. You never know. The test for an STD is newly like a pap smear and take a few days for some results, and minutes for some others.

Is it illegal to letters birth control pills?

i only experinced something similar to that but it was because be pregnant, that how i found out i was pregnant. but srry i dont know I don`t know you should call a doc, they would no alot
it might support you out

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