Seriously bad period every month?

ok so every period is hell for me. roughly 2 weeks before my length i get completely very tired adjectives the time and just get the impression ill adjectives the time. i have crippling pains for the 1st two days of my spell and am very calorific. the worst part though is that i receive extremely emotional just about everything and its really getting to me now and what to know if nearby is anything i can do. i go from self depressed to being overly cheerful to crying over everything good or desperate and its such a pain and i only want it gone.

has anybody get any ideas??

thankfulness xoxox

Depression or menopause?/?/?

Be a man. We get the best traffic in life span.


id just massacre myself

I have to jump see a surgeon ? how can you perk up. i dont no how too . iam worried?

feminax pain killer and st. john wort (herbal remedy) will help!

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pms,pre mentral tention,is what it sounds similar to ,go and see your doctor they can endow with you something for it.

My Ten year old Daughter have hair on her armpits and pubic spike. Is her period to close to follow?

Why not see a gynecologist for evaluation? The doctor is in a better position to distribute you expert advise than here surrounded by Answers. You deserve better.

Please HELP! im scared!?

It is conspicuously bocz of the high horizontal of hormone in your body. It is regular to feel tired 2 weeks beforehand your period, becoz every woman is different, and we will be artificial differently. The pain on 1st two days is also usual, because those are the days when the 'blood wall' in your uterus is going to 'plunge' and the heavy term means you enjoy healthy 'blood wall'. that's fine. Emotional is other the problem of PMS (pre menstrual syndrome) and during menstrual time. So, drink more tea, and milk because calcium reduce the uncontrolled feelings. Try to hold warm tub, simple exercise, and RELAX. If you want better view, consult your doctor.......may god bless you

Sexually helpful?

Well dont feel doomed to failure sounds like me adding up on with I own the most irregular cycle in history. Have you go to the gyn and tried the pill? That might eliminate some things. You can thieve motrin once a day a daytime or 2 b4 you period.. It works for a while.. and of course heatring pad. Im not sure if anything can be done about your moods. I regard that is a reaction thing. parley to your GYN though and see what they say

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Try Feminax pain killer available over the counter at Pharmacies. If you still get dull pain I would go to your doctor. I did and after 8 years of complainig they finally did a laparoscopy and found I have endometriosis. For your mood swings try St John's Wort. Good luck :)

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the same exact things happened to me....
i be an emotional roller coaster
i cried over every little thing
my period were soooo heavy
i bleed for 8-10 days
my cramps be so bad the first few days i couldn't go and get out of the fetal position. if i did i wanted to die. sometimes I threw up. cuz they be so bad.
i be sooooo irregular. i would go 2 weeks to 3 months between period.
i missed a lot of conservatory from it too.

when i turned 18 i went to the doctor to jump on birth control. it was the best choice i've ever made. my emotion are more controllable, i don't cry as much, my period solitary lasts around 5 days very soon, my cramps are finally tollerable, life is better, i attain less zits, my period are like clockwork (down to the daytime and almost the hour), and i'm protected from pregnancy. the only downfall to the pill is that i get hold of these food cravings and can't stop eating no concern what. i've gained around 10 lbs. but i can live near that since my periods are so much better. my boyfried also like the extra lbs. on me. so i guess the 10 lbs. weren't too bad. lol. if you aren't already on birth control i would advocate you to get on it. even if you aren't have sex. if you're over 18 you can get it short your parent's permission. if you're below 18 you need parental sanction. you can go to your regular doctor, an ob/gyn, or a strength clinic to get on the pills (or some other form of birth control). the biggest downfall to the pills though is that if you're have sex and don't want to get pregnant you own to take the pills at like time EVERY day. if you're not have sex then only take them around duplicate time and if you miss one it's not the end of the world. honourable luck and i hope everything gets better for you!

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Finally, Ive found the answer! Flaxseed! Two tablespoons in your food 3 times a week and it take a couple of months to reap the full benefits but it works! I went from disastrous periods approaching you describe, to 3 day period, no pms and more regular! Its been a miracle cure for me.

Are any douches ok?

Poor you, in attendance is no reason for you to move about on suffering like that contained by this day and age. Go along and see your doctor, he/she can prescribe something to support with the agony and get you an appointment beside a gynaecologist to see what is going on. You could have fibroids or a condition such as Endometriosis, i own this and used to be in agony. It could be any number of conditions but within are things that can be done to help you, dont stir on suffering and make an appointment near your G.P x

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I suffered for years beside period problems, and other ended up seeing a mannish doctor when I went to the surgery. Eventually I booked an appointment next to a female doctor and go changed. I'd been suffering for several years from fibroids and ended up have a hysterectomy which changed my life for the better. I realise in a minute that it's a waste of time consulting a manly doctor about such things - how can he possibly think through the agonies and embarrassments us ladies budge through. Make an appointment at your GP surgery to discuss the problems with a womanly doctor - you've nothing to lose.

How can i convince her?

Drink plenty of wet, flush it out quicker. To rid of a period quicker, I do this, I'm usually on for roughly speaking 2 days this way. xxx

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