I am have trouble putting a tampon in. What do I do?

I hurts sooo much when i try it. I tried at all angles and adjectives different sizes. I get similar to 1 cm in and i hold to pull put money on cause i cant step further.

Have you used that diet pill NV? The one with Carmen lectra as a spokeswoman?

Get a tube of KY and hang on to it handy. A little dab on the top can back.

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switch to a pad next

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dont perceive bad I have to start using tampax pearl because it glides in so much easier and they are more comfortable oh and i also like platex placid glide situation of fact I will try them first. I lot of citizens I heard do theirs standing up..No dont do it resembling that because your muscles are tight and it enables you to relax if you do it while sitting on the toilet you will be more relaxed and you want worried up as much. If that dont work
stick with those ol pad your body might not be ready for them. Good luck rationale I like tampons better than I do pad they seem much cleaner.

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If tampons are causing you discomfort, its your bodys agency of saying 'no'. Listen to it. Just stick to pad.

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Does using KY gel help within reducing the pain?

I help yourself to a deep breath within when I'm inserting. That somehow makes it easier.

Make sure you are relaxed, hold you tried the teen tampons? they're smaller.
I like playtex sport. they're assured to insert and are comfortable even if you don't get them exactly where on earth they need to be.

If adjectives else fails stick to pads- I know they're not that great but tampons are suppose to be changed every 4 hours and not worn over hours of darkness. so pads stipulation to be used half of the time anyway.

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I hold the same problem U do= (

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try a brand w/ a plastic aplicator . . if that doesn't work . . then purely use pads . . i'm guessing you're a virgin , so lurk to use them until you've had sex because that should put together it a lot easier & it shouldn't be bumpy , but if you've already had sex , consequently you may want to speak to a doctor or your OBGYN because it might be a problem .

Swimming GIRLS ONLY!?

firstl you need to relax because you know you hold tried it before and it hurt you subconciously tighten your muscles inside the best opening if you cant do it sittin down then try standing near your your opposite foot to the foot you are using to insert it resting up on something then helpfully tilt your pelvis forward when you insert the tampon aim for the direction of your back this should next sit comforably inside you as apposed to trying to push it directly up hope this helps

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try 2 relax, you're probably worked up formerly you even try to put it in. if it still doesn't work, after stop, and forget it for the time being. your body could simply be too small, or undevelopped for a tampon. you can relax 4 very soon, but when pool season gets taking place, you may have troubles

The skin is not matching after i shave.What do i do?

first of all you necessitate to know if your hymen is already broken, that might be the problem, if thats not the problem you need to purloin it easy by relaxing and making sure you are in a righteous positiong to put it inside, maybe one leg on the toilet or lay on your rear legs with your legs spread but relaxed. You can also use a bit lubricant such as KY gel, if no luck with any of these use sanitary pad or go see a gynecologist.

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you might have to strictly use pad until you can get to a gyno and see why this is. you might want to check if you enjoy endometriosis, because I think this condition make it hurt when trying to use tampons too but i am not 100% sure. I have some info for you, although the tampon article is not in this article. you can other search google. also- your uterus could be surrounded by a new position.

don't stress it; it's probably you muscles and they are more tender that time of month anyways.

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It hurts because you are tensing up the muscles down there. You inevitability to be very relaxed when you insert them.

If that doesn't help out, speak with you doctor, you might have--I can't mull over of the name--but there is a medical issue where on earth some women seize up the muscles near and have a not easy time during sex. So check with your doctor if the issue persist.

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just deem of something else and then put the tampon contained by

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This may be a silly question, but what absorbency of tampon are you using? I know when I tried to use a "Super" when I be at a friends house and didn't have my own.it be horrible! There are slim tampons too, just within case you haven't see them before. Other than that, merely relax. If it really bothers you, just use pad for awhile until you are ready to try again. Oh what fun human being a woman!!

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