I'm having trouble losing freight?

Ok well after I started my time of year I guessed I would gain weight and own body changes, so I contracted to just consent to them come and not try to diet or anything just permit things flow naturally and not try to push things or force things to be how they used to be. It be kind of heartbreaking lol but I gain about 18 pounds. Now I basically feel resembling I have too much excess fleshy and I've been working out and ingestion healthier but I I'm not losing freight I'm actually attainment weight. I want to be skinny and healthy but it's so tough because I'm always hungry i'll guzzle and then 2 hours then be hungry again. It's not because I'm growing because i've ALWAYS eaten like mad but kept off the substance with a biddable metabolism. Now my metabolism is slower. I'm actually terrifically lazy. Please some proposal? AH help!

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stop the junk food.. if ur sitting on ur computer or watching tv for hours, u'll most possible eat more and touch hungrier
walk ur dog if u enjoy one and keep up the exercising, i contemplate you should just study the calorie intake and not eat back you sleep at night

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