Ladies near endo?

I was simply wondering what all medication, treatment, surgeries you have tried near results. I've done the laparoscopy twice, lupron, bc, and depo. The pain is subsidise and I'm trying to decide what to do subsequent. Also has anyone have an ovary removed? Did you have problems getting pregnant? I've endo removed from uterus, right ovary, and my bowels. I'm wondering if I enjoy the right ovary removed maybe some of my problems would soft down.

Mentrual? Uh ?

In endo of uterus (Adenomyosis) is difficult to conserve the uterus. And you may be advised that if it is unfeasible to control. With widespread endo as contained by your case you may have need of removal of other organs including one ovary as you have asked. I suggest, you walk for it (Rt oophorectomy) , it still will be possible (hopefully) to get an issue next you may think of hysterectomy if problem persist. I have adjectives my sympathy for you. In my experience as doc. I know of many cases & I be aware of sympathy for you. Good luck & God bless you!

Endometriosis and Lupron Depot?

poor you! I know the suffering, went thru this for going on for 10 years, had 2 laparotomy but the problem be too serious and had to finally do the hysterectomy when I be only 28 yo

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