Gyno procedure- A question for ladies merely?

Hi, I recently go to a gynocologist in my small town surrounded by India(for the first time ever). Though he was manly, he was my kith and kin physician for yrs and we felt it is best to be in motion to him.
During the examination, I feel a little discomfited and so want to ask all you ladies if this is regular behaviour and inner health. There was a womanly nurse present during the examination.
1. He told me to undress completely. I feel this wierd as he was just going to check 'downstairs'?
2. He told the nurse to remove my va*ginal hair?
2. He did not use a glove or anything.? Though he wash his hands up to that time and after the exam.
3. He took a few photographs of my organ as 'before' photographs and said these be needed for the examination.
4. He inserted 2 fingers in my front and final too? Why? Is he supposed to do this? What is he checking?
When I asked my mother in law in the region of this, she said that this was how he treated adjectives patients and since a nurse was near, it is ok?
As I just self paranoid?

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This sound greatly wrong!
Never had vaginal spine removed for an exam.
He didn't use a glove! Do you how many vaginas he touches a daylight! You can get an infection!
Why did he insert his fingers? Was he doing a pap smear? If he be that wasn't the right way to do it. I enjoy no idea what he be checking for. And pictures, what a pervert. He probably has a trellis site or something.
This sounds totally wrong!
You are not being paranoid and should do something more or less this doctor, if you don't he's going to keep doing it to other women!
Good luck


"Ladies only"...that's very sexist.

I could answer your question (I'm a Consultant Gynaecologist) and give you an literary, medical response but as you're not interested in my opinion I won't.

What is wrong? on pill and missed time but havent had sex for a while?

This seem completly unacceptable! It could be purely different cultures and different ways of doing things (I am from the US). Here in the US we are given disposable gowns. We don't lay there completly unclothed. Gloves are always used. They do insert a finger in the vagina to check the cervix but as far as the anal nouns, only if here is an abnormality that needs to be checked out. My Dr. have never stuck her finger in my anus. Vaginal Hair has also never be a problem. I think you should agree to other women where you live and see if this is regular behavior in your country.

Stuff, masturbation?

Every physician have his or her own style, but you don't state the purpose of the exam, I would hope the next time you insist on gloves, am puzzled by the photo's unless near were skin eruptions or sores #4 checking the wall between the vagina and rectum which can slit and lead to serious infections, but mother-in-law probably right and it is typical to view the breast as constituent of a gyno exam.

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Some of this is highly unusual, and some of it is typical.

Yes, your doctor will do a manual exam from both your vagina and your rectum. That's a style to better check for problems.

Yes, undressing completely is required. As a part of this exam, any the nurse or the doctor should be doing a manual breast exam to check for lumps. This can't be done if you're wearing any clothing above the waist.

Women do not enjoy vaginal hair. They own hair on their mons veneris. But it's superfluous to be shaved in proclaim to have a pelvic exam.

Photographs should not be purloin. This is a violation of your privacy and of nouns.

Doctors should be using disposable gloves to cover their hands for any and adjectives exams of any type.

I'm including some links about GYN exams. Read them and consider your experience against this information past you say anything to anyone in the order of this. When you're done that, if you're certain that this is wrong, start by contacting the medical license board in your state or country and file a complaint. Let them follow up.

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Devika, I think you enjoy just be sexually assaulted. NO doctor would ask a female to strip entirely until that time a "downstairs " exam. Removing the hair is completely unecessary and pointless.
Gloves are ESSENTIAL other.
Taking photographs is NOT permitted unless you sign a consent form and then they are to be used for medical citation only, so he would own to have have a good excuse to want them.
Inserting two fingers into your rear legs is certainly NOT agreeable, as he had no pretext to.
I would report this insident to the authorities straight away.

Is there any possible agency that the nuvaring can cause a molar pregnancy?

Hi, I am from New Zealand and from my experience, I hold NEVER had photos taken and that is to say not necessary surrounded by any country. Secondly, if you hadn't gone for a breast examination afterwards there be no need for you to transport all your clothes stale, thats bizarre. Thirdly having to be shaven is not on also. If I be you i would change doctors in a jiffy. I changed to a female doctor and I suggest you should to.

Irregular period?

Find this totally unacceptable, and not professional at adjectives.

How do i complain about my GP?

Actually, when you stir to a gyno for a pap, it is required that you undress completely, because they will do a breast exam. BUT, the doctor is supposed to leave the room and offer you privacy while you undress, and also provide you with a gown to put on. Then the doctor returns after you enjoy changed into the gown. You are not supposed to be examined naked.
Yes, they doctor will insert a finger into your vagina because they also place a finger on your belly at alike time, so they can feel your uterus and ovaries. This is how they check for abnormality. I have never have a doctor put his or her fingers into my anus. I suppose if maybe you have a problem there, it would be a perfect thing to check it, for this reason making it ok. But you said this was your first time, so I don't surmise it was appropriate.
No doctor should lift pictures of your private areas. Unless it is for medical research and you consent to it. In which case, your photos would be used solely for research among doctors. But in your luggage, I really see no reason for pictures.
I enjoy no clue why he had you shaved. That is not appropriate.
And he should have worn gloves. Washed hand or not, it is very unsanitary.
But I live surrounded by the US. I don't know if maybe the rules contained by India are different. But either road, I think conceivably you should try another doctor and see how that exam goes. If the spanking new doctor does not do the things your old doctor did, after I would report him immediataly!

What the heck..?

this is a fake cross-question.

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1. unless a breast examination be also part of the check-up, he should enjoy given you a gown or really big sheet, told you to undress from the waist down and cover yourself.

2. the nurse doesn't need to remove vaginal tresses. that's too personal. and even though he washed his hand, he should have worn medical gloves.

3. unless within is a medical reason, or you're going in for plastic surgery on your netherlands - NO GYNO NEEDS TO TAKE PICTURES!! these are extra for the exam.

4. on your first pap, the insertion of one or two fingers is normal when they check your lower abdoman for anything unusual. you went contained by for a pap, not a rectal examination. near should have be no poking and prodding there. if your doc merely inserted two fingers just because, that's only not right. that's a violation.

every pap nouns you have, nearby will always be MEDICAL paperwork done previously. that is conventional. if it wasn't medical...i can't help you beside that.

if your mother-in-law says he treats adjectives his patients like this, sweety, step find a FEMALE gyno doctor. by reading what you wrote, you have be violated and taken advantage of contained by ways a doctor shouldn't. the female nurse who be present for this, should have done something. not once own i had a pap close to the one you describe.

if you felt self-conscious by what he did during the procedure, you need to report this straight away.

A young womans personal put somebody through the mill.kinda embarrased.?

Some things in your account nouns very strange to me.

Personally - any doctor that spoke to me as if I be a child and said he would check 'downstairs' - well, I would enjoy walked out in attendance and then.

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