Kinda personal..women lone?

my period come about a week belated and im 15yrs old and hold had my extent since i was 10. when it first started it used to be around close to the first week of the month..and now is coming around the 4th? is it typical? what can cause a postponed period?

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It doesn't sound close to irregular periods are your problem, but frequent things in your daily time can affect your cycle.
Such things are:
-eating disorders
-excessive excercising
-poor nutrition
-not enough body fat
-sexual activity
-physical illness

Sixteen and flat?

Is ok, ur growing up. Is ur hormone doing this.

Every 28 Days Or Every 28th Day?

yes when i be 14 mine stopped for 2 months on its own
when your young your spell can be all messed up
if it bothers you gossip with your doctor.but its regular

How can a women have a time for two days?

Im actually going through alike thing im kinda alarmed
like i used to start around the 20th morning of the month now i could never recount. like concluding month i started on the 3rd this month i havent even started yet.
if you find the answer to your examine tell me please


it is average for your period to be irregular when you are at a babyish age. My period be always irregular too, it's okay if it's a couple weeks bad, but yeah talk to your doc simply for peace of mind and to clarify.

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there are so plentiful reasons for unpunctually periods. Stress, diet, hormones, ect. nearby nothing to be concerned nearly.

I was a unsettled bloomer, I had mine at age 14 :( obviously that was approaching 11 years ago so I can't remember much.

all within all, at hand nothing wrong beside anyone with irregularly longer cycles. in your first few years, it's run of the mill, actually it can be illogical at any age depending on the above factors.

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yeah its highly normal. Your time of year can be late cause by stess.

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you're still growing and your hormones will still be all funktified! don't verbs about it. it have a brain of its own so, as long as you still get it, you're adjectives good.

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