Was it too early to trial?

My period is due on the 23-24 of April. I took a pregnancy experiment this morning and it said negative. I am still have symptoms though, like the headache and fatigue near lower back misery and breast/nipple pain.

Do you have a sneaking suspicion that I tested too early? I really have an idea that it was a false refusal because I never have PMS symptoms similar to this.

I used the Answer and Accuclear pregnancy tests. I read online that these make available out false negatives, have anyone else experienced a false negative beside this kind of trial?

Did you expirience any of this? help?

The closer you gain to your period start date, the better you are at getting a positive if you are pregnant. What happen is a hormone in your bloodstream elevate when you are preg. and that is what make the test positive. It also help to do it first thing contained by the morning because that is when the uppermost levels of hormones are surrounded by your urine. But usually the soonest you tell if your pregnant is anywhere from 5-7 days after your missed interval. Good luck with what ever outcome you be hoping for!

Please answer this!?

its too early too examination you have to keep on at least a week after you miss your term, when i found out i was pregnant, it be about two weeks after my time was due and the time before it be due, i had some spotting that singular lasted that daylight, if u have those symptoms than your probably pregnant but you call for to wait

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