Small bump within my groin nouns?

There is a very small lump just subsequent to my groin area.. about 1cm on the inside of my departed thigh. Its skin coloured but has a sight white tinge to it, it doesnt hurt or itch except when my underwear catch on it when i walk, then it stings a bit.

Im a virgin, but this lump solely came up just today and yesterday i be messing around with my partner a bit, so im not sure if this is something cause by what ive done or if ive get it from him (yes, he was in that standard area, or i wouldnt have brung it up.)

The bump itself lately looks like a goosebump, im not that worried but, what do you think its from? Help is much appreciated =)

How do you?

As others own said, it could possibly be an ingrown hair. But if it is more in your groin nouns (like your bikini line) and is an actual bump under the skin, I have a better hypothesis about what it is. The groin area, as resourcefully as the armpit are very common places for lymph nodes. This is lately another part of our bodies, and sometimes they become a bit swollen and we notice them more, but they are other there. They are simply little filters that can swell from a tiny infection or germs. Shaving could have irritated it or infected it slightly. It should go down surrounded by a day or so. If it is about a centimeter, slightly tender when you press on it, and you can description of move it around a bit, I'm sure that's what it is. No big deal. If you notice it growing or start fear more of them, you might have an infection and it's just your body's sign that it is treating it. Best wishes.

Tight vagina?? 10 points best answer!?

i deduce that it is god's sign that he wants you to get a pubic piercing . explicitly all the rave with the youngsters today. if thats not it, conceivably it is a pubic zit, or razor rash.. ask your mom or dad! or possibly its an std from a public restroom...that is a problem with the unsanitary public services of the modern era.

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It sounds just like a pimple, I grasp them sometimes, i you want it to go away sooner take a reheat bath and pop it with a sanctuary pin, it should dry out from there. They usually are pretty painful, so that's ordinary. If you're really worried go to the doctor.

K, you usually get ur period after 1 to 1 1/2 years after ur boobs start growing, right>?

I don't think its anything to verbs about. If you haven't had sex later it could't be anything big. It was probably a pimple. Nothing to freak out about! Lots of girls grasp them down there [sometimes].

Not sexually turned on but...?

are you sure you weren't abducted as a child. did you ever play contained by the woods at night or in cornfields? You should consult your institution guidance counselour.

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could be a small folliculitis. it will burst and go away.

Birth controll?

you sure its not a pimple or ingrown hair?

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My mom does not believe me and ive base it on what YOU ppl on yahoo told me!?
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I really involve to know this?
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