I've be have some womanly troubles lately?
take things to a trial level...so let just say aloud there
be touching (fingering) and nothing else
and very soon i have be having vaginal ichiness
and sometimes its dicomforting to urinate.
what could be wrong?
Answers: you mite own some bacterial infection
try washing near summers eve but dont ignore it and if it get worse then jump to your doctor
he gave you an infection if that happen that means his hand were dirty ... when he did this so you probally get an yeast infection when after it happened so stir to the store and get some of the stuff to help yourself to care of it but umm he also might hold made a lil tear surrounded by there to Iching is not usually regular and combined with self-conscious unrination could be some sort of infection(i.e. bladder infection). Do not use any kind of douches or feminine cleansers because your body have its own way of cleansing itself. You should see a doctor. There is no instrument to pinpoint exactly what it is without seeing a doctor. And one other entry, always enjoy your boyfriend wash his hand before touching your vagina. HPV is an STD that is to say easily spread, even next to just touching. You hold no idea what kind of germs are lerking on his hands. I am a moment or two bit of a germ phobe, but these days next to drug resistant bacterias, you need to be.
he might hold cut you with his fingernail or somtihng, stir to your gyno or your doctor