My doctor give me...?

sulfamethoxazole/tmp for a uti. And I remember her telling me to give somebody a lift one a day for five year, but the instructions on the bottle say to whip two a day for five days. What should I do? And is it okay to whip two a day? I don't know the amount of medication in the pill, but they're really really big so I'm of late worried that it might be overdosing. Any info you can give me would be great. Thanks.

Is a 5 inch penis too small? Women solely!!?

sulfas are antibiotic. do you have an urinal infection? I don`t know taking 2 a day if for serious infections. sulfas in excess are excreted in the urine, so even if you hold two, you cant really 'over dose'. but id suggest you to progress see a pharmacist. after all, they know more give or take a few drugs than doctors themselves.

How do i get rid of my foreboding?

since these are excreted in the urine, the concentration achieved for bacterial control will be okay for urinary infection, even with one tablet. please repeat the urine nouns after about two weeks, to ensure that you are cured.

Wat is an cyst on your ovary ?

I'd nickname your doctor. Generally I have other taken two a day. An jammy way to see if she may hold made a mistake is to count the pills if you have five consequently it was once if you hold ten-twice.

Again I would call your doctor or a nurse that can look at your chart. Each UTI is different.

And don't verbs you can't overdose with that amount :)

Is near really exsists a time of women's menstural period which is risk-free for sex without protection?

First of adjectives, I'd call the pharmacy to see what the resourceful prescription said. It's possible the pharmacy made a mistake. Secondly, you can always name the phone number of your doctor and leave a message next to their answering service.

If you are unable to return with through to your doctor, I would take the proposal of the pharmacist. He/she would know how that medicine is usually prescribed. After all, that's what the pharmacist is at hand for!

Homemade tampon?

Call the doctor to clear things up and tell her give or take a few your confusion.

Sexual intercourse?

call your doctor.

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