How do i get rid of my start?

I have a huge horror on worms/caterpillars/maggots.. any creature that have NO legs and crawls on it's body.. close to the sight of it scare the living hell out of me.. even if it's just a book.. i wouldnt even dare touching it, i also faint once because one worm flew up my leg when i was walkin and accidently stepped on it, but the other problem is I love going fishing near my dad.. because that's the only time he consent to himself open up and have a word to me.. but his baits are worms/caterpillars/maggots .. and i don't want to bring up to date him that im terrified of those disgusting creature.. i newly dont. So can someone help me return with rid of this fear? or at lowest possible trying to calm down when i SEE one..

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I have a similar fear (I won't progress into details here) but what helped me some be to force myself to talk give or take a few it with someone close to me and next start to learn more going on for the thing I be afraid of-- the more I learned going on for it, the less mysterious it be and I was competent to at least stand it. I still don't resembling it but it doesn't have equal power over me as it used to. It sounds hard but you might try it.

Im other late on my extent. even when i was taking birth control. doctors said it be nothing its that true?

yoga n seld motivation n concentration.when u hold the -ve thoughts comming into ur mind think that dad is more essential than the fear of worms

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just remember these little things cannot hurt you!! so near is no need to be afraid of them!! :) so subsequent time you see one just judge to yourself why am i afraid of something ALOT smaller than me, that is probably more alarmed of me, and it cannot hurt you

Ask your Dad to put one on your hand, you will soon see that they are non-hazardous! just be brave!! :)

Ive get a fear of frogs! if i see one i bolt - i dislike intensely them they are disgusting lol

What do you think?

Do what I do to back people near their fear of snakes... (this will work best near caterpillars) Just look at one small part of the animal, e.g. the herald or one of its sections, and try to see the intricate detail and charm of that small part. Once you've get that part, verbs to another area of the 'pillar's body and repeat. Eventually you will forget that you're afraid because all you see is a elegant and unique animal.

Men and qusetions?

Hi, I own the same problem. I can't look at a picture of a caterpillar in need screaming. It's bad because they're adjectives around my yard and house, too. Have you hear of exposure therapy? It's a short time ago exposing yourself over and over to these types of fears. I know it's scary, I would never even consider touching one of those things, but possibly just looking at pictures, restrain yourself from screaming.right luck, remember, there are a ton of folks like you and me who are also afraid of these things, so it's okay.

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