Wat is an cyst on your ovary ?

im not sure

Abnormal periods, tremendously large blood clots, bloating, any similar experiences?

cyst (soft "c", rhymes beside "list") is a closed sac having a distinct membrane and develosion on the near tissue. They may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid objects. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, the cyst will remain in the tissue for always and can be removed by surgery and by taking medication that will dissolve the "sac".

Birth control?

A cyst is a fluid filled sack that commonly puts pressure (and causes pain) to doesn`t matter what area that it resides. Women commonly grasp them in their breasts and on their ovaries.

If you discern sharp pains in the area where on earth your ovaries are located, it could either be cysts or that you're ovulating. Either mode, it's nothing to sweat. Cysts come and jump as they please, and they're not life threatening.

Im thirteen and i havent have my period however.?

something growing on it. it could be cancerous and you may not be able to enjoy kids

Ovarian cyst ruptured how is my docs advise?

Is it a fibroid? Then its a tender growth that frequently leads to hystorectomies

Is it raw for women to have a small trail of hackle from your belly button up or down?

a fluid filled sac on the ovarie

Missed period?

A cyst is a fluid-filled sac, and can be located anywhere in the body. On the ovary, different types of cysts can form. The most adjectives type of ovarian cyst is called a functional cyst, which normally forms during the normal menstrual cycle. Each month, a woman's ovaries grow tiny cysts that hold the eggs. When an egg is fully grown, the sac breaks open to release the egg, so it can travel through the fallopian tube for fertilization. Then the sac dissolves. In one type of functional cyst, call a follicular cyst, the sac doesn't break open to release the egg and may verbs to grow. This type of cyst usually disappears within one to three months. A corpus luteum cyst, another type of functional cyst, forms if the sac doesn’t dissolve. Instead, the sac seal off after the egg is released. Fluid afterwards builds up inside of it. This type of cyst usually goes away on its own after a few weeks. However, it can grow to almost four inches and may bleed or verbs the ovary and cause headache. Clomid or Serophene, which are drugs used to induce ovulation, can raise the risk of getting this type of cyst. These cysts are almost never associated near cancer.

There are also other types of cysts:

Endometriomas. These cysts develop in women who own endometriosis, when tissue from the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. The tissue may attach to the ovary and form a growth. These cysts can be stinging during sexual intercourse and during menstruation.
Cystadenomas. These cysts develop from cells on the outer surface of the ovary. They are commonly filled near a watery fluid or glutinous, sticky gel. They can become large and create pain.
Dermoid cysts. The cell in the ovary are competent to make hackle, teeth, and other growing tissues that become part of a forming ovarian cyst. These cysts can become generous and cause spasm.
Polycystic ovaries. The eggs mature inside the follicles, or sacs, but the sac doesn't break unseal to release the egg. The cycle repeats, follicles continue to grow inside the ovary, and cysts form. For more information just about polycystic ovaries, refer to our FAQ on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?
Many women have ovarian cysts minus having any symptoms. Sometimes, though, a cyst will produce these problems:

pressure, fullness, or pain surrounded by the abdomen
dull sting in the lower subsidise and thighs
problems passing urine completely
cramp during sexual intercourse
weight gain
tight menstrual periods and anomalous bleeding
nausea or vomiting
breast tenderness

Pelvic cramping and lower fund pain? Help!?

a small pit close to tumor caused by doomed to failure urine.
or soda gases.cyaline which creates adjectives pits

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