No periods will I ever b competent to conceive?

Im 28 soon 2 B 29, for the 4 years Ive had on average 2 period a year, the 1st thing I want 2 clear up is this middle-of-the-road as the doctors don't help or insist on me and also wot R my chances of conceiving a babe-in-arms without IVF?

Period confused help out?!?!plz anser to my question grades in wat i said thx!! soo much!! thx a bunch question?

Well, it all depends on respectively woman. For you that is run of the mill as it has other been that style. For me who have me spell once a month would not. I had a friend who also have periods every 6 months or so and she get pregnant. Actually she and her husband were using condoms and one of them get broken and she got pregnant! So have periods twice a year does not net it less feasible to get pregant! The point is that other women can better predict their fertile cycles, while for a woman close to you is more complicated. However there is never object to loose hope! :-)

Went to the doctors:) ?

Well, I never had the irregularity you describe, but I enjoy a couple of friends who were approaching you, and one has four children and the other have three.
They say that respectively woman is different and if you have be checked for health problems and everything seem ok, don't worry almost it.
If you are under greatly of stress or you work out a lot, this could be why your period are few and far between.

I Just had surgery and I want to know if anyone else have had?

I focus you need to aim a new doctor. If you are not have your periods and its not an precipitate menopouse then you own a less coincidence of falling pregnant.. however that doesn't mean you wont..

You shouldn't be have only two period a year.. something isn't right there.. as i said until that time time to seek a unsullied doctor

What is a way to prevent or treat blade bumps in the bikinni nouns?

Maybe you should read into Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Missed pill..?

i know people who procure their periods that infrequently so you are not the solely one. if your doctor will not help you, find a unknown doctor. your chances of pregnancy probably will be lowered, but i do not know for a reality.

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My doctor have told me that you need to attain a period every 3 months or you hold an increased chance for cancer. The pool liner has to come out, I would run to a different doctor. There is medicine you can give somebody a lift to help your length come on a regular basis. After that starts scheduled, I don't see why you couldn't conceive on your own

What does "getting off" mean?

you individually might not be able to enjoy a biological child. Your husband or boyfriend can have their sperm IVF contained by another woman though.

No period not pregnant .What wrong near it ?

You may have be pregnant all these year.
There be a 79 year old female on the history channel who be pregnant since she was 23. The toddler was unresponsive but it was still nearby and she never could have a child or have her term..I think it be somewhere in Greece!

Weird vagina?!?

This is not middle-of-the-road. DO NOT let any doctor speak about you otherwise. I know it really stinks to do this but you need to maintain looking for a doctor who acknowledges that this is not ordinary.

The first thing you can do on your own is to acquire the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. This book is a must read for all women of child good posture age. I am sure you will find it very thoughtful in finding any signs your body is giving you (besides no period!) that there may be a fertility issue.

IVF is a long passageway off, do not concern yourself near that at this point. There is many, several steps before a couple get to IVF that may be successful for you.

Again, don't stop looking for a doctor who acknowledges the problem!!

What birth contol pill can I attain t have shorters period or no menstruation at alkeeping in mind?

Go to an Endocrinologist who can help you beside your PCOS and help you conceive.

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