Going doctors in a bit?

Hello people.

Im taking my girlfriend to the GP around body dysmospha and Im not sure what to say to the GP. Our GP is a woman who is quite insight but we are still not sure what to say.

She get very down when she looks within the mirror or herself in pictures. She have some tramua as a child which caused bullieing and also her dad departed home when she was 4 and shes never be told why.

Any one else been within this situation or can offer any direction?

Many thanks,



My ex girlfriend have exactly the same article for pretty much exactly the same reason (bullying and dad leaving when she be 3 or 4).

I would say your girlfriends problem is that she doesn't truly love herself and she is also incapable of fancy like she's truly loved by anyone else, including you. Understand that this have nothing to do next to you, or how you treat her. The fact that you are going to the doctors near her is evidence you obviously comfort about her. I would voice that this problem all stems from her father absence contained by her life.

It is a difficult piece to work through, but counselling might be a good place to start.

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All you can do is to love and support your girlfriend the best channel you can. Going to the doctors will help your girlfriend as it will boost her confidence if she is honest near the doctor. Hope all go well , Think positive.

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Just sit there and consent to your gf do the talking, its great that you will be near to support her. I hope the gp helps and your gf feel better about herself.

UTI, pregnancy, or something else?

I am sorry to hear in the order of yours and your GF's issue. I can relate to feeling really low just about body image as i am sure plentiful women can. I would try to explain in as much detail as possible what happens and what it is she does that have made you guys go to a GP. I hope it go well for you two and resourcefully done to you for supporting her through it and taking the right steps to solving the problem

All the best x

Why do doctors always ask when your concluding period be, when the visit isn't even related to reproductive issues?

no, but you are impressively patience and she is markedly lucky having you ! devout luck!

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i be bullied a lot surrounded by school, And have abusive stepfathers and moms boy friends. And it does affect my dailey natural life. But you know what? Im still here. Tell the lady what ever she feel in her heart. Tell her she is loved, And every article will be ok. tell her mailbox_5 loves her, It will be ok. Best wishes for you both, You must be a highly good friend? have need of more friends like you.

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