Wat happen if some one dos an anal sex ?

ist that bad?


What is the colour of clitoris?? i'm within panic . please relieve.?

not if the two of you agree to it and not if the two of you like it.

Mom of B & D


It's not neccasarily desperate... Unless it's forced. If you're going to go the anal route, make sure you do it right so you both soak up it. Go slow and use plenty of lube. Or start small with toys. Whatever you do, don't tolerate anyone force you into something you don't want to do. Make sure you are both comfortable.

Can you treat a yeast infection if your pregnant?

If a guy just shoves it right up here, it really hurts.
The beginning is where on earth it's important to turn slow and gentle.
You really sure you want to hold some guy start fastlike that, and keep going hurriedly during it?
What I am trying to say, is if her loved you, you trusted him, sure, dance for it!
If he's pushy, and pushing you into this?
No way is what I would voice!

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