Ok...i skipped approaching three of my periods in a minute..and i dont know why?

and im 15

Should i cover myself with leeches this summer?

Well, I doubt you are sexually influential at that age, Or else you'd have gotten a pregnancy tryout by now. Sometimes period don't come on for a while. Especially when you just start. You can be assured that the subsequent one is a doozy. Wear panty liners.

Using monstat the wrong instrument cause infertility.?


If your on birth control?

Ask your mom to whip you to an OB/GYN. It could be as simple as needing to step on birth control to regulate your cycle. That is assuming your not pregnant.

I n my fiance made out n he has fingered me.?

best to see your Dr for a check up=girls own been specified to quit for awhile then restart=it's only to ease your mind the suggestion of seeing the Dr

First time this have ever happened?

if you are sexually live i would go to the doctor. otherwise i would voice don't worry in the order of it. when i was 15 my spell was really changeable. it can be quite irregular during your teen years. it can also stop if you own gained or lost substance very hurriedly.

Can you masterbate after having an abortion?

there are a few answers for that:

1.you are pregnant
2.you are anorexic...anorexic inhabitants are like that BLAH i know from experience.
3. you started a modern diet (vegetarian or something like that)...you are probably consuming smaller number hormones (which is actually a suitable thing)
4. you just arent drinking enough

if its none of the above than sorry i cant aid

Can a colopscopy make your interval late?

My period were adjectives messed up when I was a teen. I get on the pill to regulate them. You should see your doc for sure.

Bad cramps! please help!?

are you pregnant?

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