Implanon push in?

I got the implantation at the start of december and since have developed acne (never have this as a teenage!), solidity gain, fits of depression amongst other things. it's making me miserable but the doc said to wait 6months up to that time giving up. I'm going to have it taken out this week as it's making me a crazy female but just considered necessary to know of anyone else with same experiences or beside implant?

Seasonique or seasonale.. ?


i hold had mine for over a year presently and its probably the bset thing i hold done. like yourself i did hold a few problems to begin (first 7 months) and i requested it to be removed. my doc be really nice and asked me to persevere next to it. i did altho i was have irreg periods and be a bit crazy!! but now its great, i only just have period at all very soon and i have two years up to that time i have to verbs about birth control! well brought-up luck! x

How do i get my girl to similar to sex!?!?

No but it did mess up my periods - I have mine put in in Nov and things are only a short time ago settling down, have you have a full check up from your doctor? It may be something else causing these problems near it just man a coincidence that they started happening around indistinguishable time as you had it put within?

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