Does tampons hurt yah..?

does it hurt becuase i am not going to use it if it dont feel comfortable and can it achieve lost if im going to be moving alot?

Could you get a s.t.d from a public restroom?

1. if it's surrounded by properly you don't even feel it
2. it cannot achieve lost, it' s physically impossible. at the top of your vagina on the inside is your cervix, and that is closed tight. it's similar to a car on a unresponsive end street - within's nowhere else for it to go!

Need womans push for.?

no, if you put it in right, you wont get the impression a thing

I embezzle Yaz birth control and forgot to take one of the white at rest pills?

it may take a few tries to gain in at first, only just like anything. try practicing near a finger to get an theory where the vent is and the angle of it.

Hi guys I am 27yrs my height is 5" my mass is 65kgs how can i reduce my shipment.?

You cannot feel tampons when you insert them properly., They cannot bring back lost as they have a string attached to them to verbs them out with and even if something is wrong beside the string you can always arrive at in and fish it out.

I'm stil a virgin and i missed my length this month is it still ok to masturbate?

No, but I would suggest "Tampax." Certain brands to hurt me, (such as "Beyond") but usually if you put it in right you are okay. And no, it will not get lost..

I haven't gotten my term monthly since i was 16. I gain it once every couple months, whats wrong?

I'm not trying to scare you, but mine hurt really impossible...i dont use them if i can. It's a little self-conscious to put in, and if it's not up soaring enough you might know how to feel it while it's surrounded by. For me the part that hurt the most be taking it out because it kind of get stuck.

I'm not trying to scare you or anything, becasue for most relatives it's a fairly trouble-free process, very painless. I merely want to tell you, you stipulation to be POSITIVE you are inserting it right, and RELAX. It will go surrounded by with difficulty if you're overexcited. Use a lubricant when you insert it and it should slip in and out easier. Also, for the first time, use it on your heaviest days.

It can be scary your first time, but my counsel is to try it once, and no matter how it turns out, try it out again, and again. At lowest three times. My first time was horrible, but dont permit that discourage you becasue your second time it could be completely different. I just want you to be prepared. I'm not gonna sugar coat it because some nation have problems, but hey, some culture get it a short time ago fine. Good luck and i hope this helped!


Has any woman tried gentian lilac to treat recurring YI?

NOPE if put surrounded by right can't feel a thing
Good Luck

Is it ok ??

Tampons do not hurt and they are comfortable and they will not return with lost when you move a lot!...I recommend Tampax Pearl they move about in so unforced and are very comfortable!

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