Pinworm, especially around time of the month?

I have pinworm in my anus but also occasionally my vagina (i dont know wether its in my vagina or if they simply crawl there!), it get worse just beforehand and after my period, its be like this for almost 6 months now and i dont own a doctor where i live contained by the UK as ive moved here recently.
I be wondering if theres anything i can buy over the counter without prescription surrounded by the UK.

Is there something wrong next to me?

I don't know about the UK specifically but I do know surrounded by some countries they do sell an over the counter drug for pinworm. Talk to a pharmacist to find out if near is anything you can take. If not than you should find a clinic you can budge to. Pinworm doesn't harm you but the itching is a annoying person and it is contagious.

If I see the shedded uterus lining while menstruating, does that penny-pinching I don't have Endometriosis?

i dont know what to be exact, but i suggest you research and see if its possible to clear without seeing a doctor or getting a prescription, I focus you should try and go see one even if you don't live around any, never mess beside your health, it's adjectives you have!

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