11 near Pubic hair and discharge! Is my extent soon?

Ok this is embaressing but I am 11 with pubic down around an inch long and I get dicharge adjectives the time! I have gotten for a few years and i don't know what to do! Is it unusual for someone my age to be like this? Other kids on this website are starting to capture pubic hair but I enjoy had it for a long time and I am alarmed. I take hoedown class and have to where on earth a leotard. What do I do if i get my extent when i have to move about to dance? How do I protect myself?

Can I bring info about condoms?

You are okay! 3 things...
1) Many girls develop at your age
2) Most women (which you are becoming) shave. Just any buy clippers (like Mustache trimmers preferably) or use a razor and a comb to protect your nouns.

3) If you get your term, wear a tampon or a thin wipe,,, believe me. Only YOU will know. I know it feels close to EVERYONE can tell, but I promise you, your shindig teacher have instructed on MANY occasions wearing a wad or tampon. Your teacher can be your best friend. Teachers do not work for the money. If you are shy to speak beside your mom...talk to your trainer. She will feel so honest to help you. You are fine. : ))

Doctors unsure what is wrong near me, do you think I will enjoy problems having kids?

Talk to your mom and sisters if you own any. The age that your mom first got her term is around the same age you will seize yours.

Talk to her about your fears roughly dance and she can facilitate you.

Girls only! idk if im getting into the stage of spell?

I had mine when I be eleven and five months old, I have random spotting days earlier. Ask your mom or older sister almost it or better yet consult your conservatory nurse.

I have not have my period contained by 2 mths, I took 3 pregnancy tests adjectives negative, What else could be wrong?

it is soon .. i have all those same things, i thieve dance, and i be just in the order of 11 [i had newly turned 12] .. its coming pretty soon so be prepared .. keep something in your pod or purse and if something happens seeing as your class should be adjectives girls, they will understand.

What time should i steal my pill at?

No, this is not too soon. I've known someone that started puberty when she be 9. IT is not abnormal. Use a tampon when you enjoy period and budge to chance.

Night sweats?

everyone go through puberty differently. you might get it soon you might not. if you seize your period surrounded by dance class its not the come to an end of the world, but if you really want to protect yourself buy some pads, possibly some thing ones so freshly in shield there is something in that.

Can McDonald's food make me bloated previously my period?

Some girls find their periods at age 11 or 12 and sometimes they see puberty signs similar to hair and stuff even faster than that so what you are going through is not abnormal at adjectives.

I never used tampons myself, but some women find them convenient when doing sports or other vigorous actions like foxtrot. If you get your time of year when you are dancing you can possibly wear tampons just after, but pads at other times.

Everything is going to be ok. You'll see. Best of luck near your dancing!

I stopped the pill 4 months ago and I still haven't gotten my interval.?

Congratulations, you're probably going to start getting your period soon! When you do carry your period, communicate your mom, aunt, sister, even a female mentor at your school would be of a mind to help you out if you feel comfortable enough to ask. In command to catch the bloodflow most girls use a wipe or a tampon. A pad is close to (its LIKE, but is not) a small diaper that sticks to your underwear. A tampon is a small piece of cotton that you insert into your vagina to catch the blood. If you're dance in a leotard, I would suggest a tampon for when you run to dance. Playtex make a "mini" tampon for girls just starting their period. Check out the link below for more info on how to use tampons. Good luck!

What should I do?

I'm eleven too! I haven;t have my period though. And today I saw a puberty video at conservatory. You are getting your period. The symptomshows. You are touching, and you have public mane. Sorry sister, you started puberty. Email me and tell me what happen, I'M GOING TO NEED IT! Email me at [email protected]

Really curious. Condom fell off and we kept going. Chances of pregnancy?

Don't verbs sweetie. it's normal. you probebly will receive your period surrounded by another yr or so. every girl is different. and bodies are getting ready so don't verbs. don't you have anyone to bargain to about these things? how going on for your mom?

my daughter is going to be 11 in june and she has duplicate issue. If u feel you may attain your period, convey a pad surrounded by your backpack just contained by case.
My daughter and i are close and i hold on to telling her it's only just that the body is getting ready for the interval. you should talk to someone around this.

email me if you like..i can give support to.

I just started my extent, yesterday and my friend just call and asked if i wanted to turn to busch gardens?

I am 11 too but i already got mine. Well in the region of the period item..it is coming soon and even though you are not on it yet you entail your mom or aunt or gramma or a lady friend ( if you do not own a mom.) to buy you some pads. as for the waltz thing, ALOT of citizens who answer this question are going to read aloud "wear a tampon" but girl, Do NOT i repeat NOT, wear a tampon. The reason is tampons present girls a deadly disease call TSS ( Toxic Shock Syndrome ) and it kills you. It comes simply from tampons so do not worry. I suggest wear a wad to dance but be paid the pad hold no wings and I don`t know even wear a pantyliner. Hope this peice of advice help :)

if you would like to read roughly speaking TSS ( The disease i mentioned up there ^.) later click on the link below:


But this is more willing to help for our age:


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talk to your mom/gaurdian (a girl) and around the dance entry wear a small little pad.

Tired of person a virgin?

No not always. That what happen to me but i had mine when i be 12.

Will the doctor tell my mom?

just wear a tampon when you start and shave your pubic pelt

Still nothing!!?

u should wear pany ligners its for discharge and possibly u should ask a dr, they estimated when u can get ur time

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