Can somebody developed and educated relief me.?

Ok I have question about the vagina.
If you are young-looking and immature please DONT respond to these question. Thankyou!!

1st- How big is your urthra(pee hole)? Can a male mistake it for the wrong hole and occur to stick it in. How can you report to if he actually does stick it surrounded by the wron hole? And what could happen.

2nd- Does you Vagina conversion when you are pregnant? For instance can it be swollen or irritated.

3rd- During a yeast inffection does sex make it worse?

Just enormously curious and thank you all for your best answers...

Is it typical to feel drained during menstration?

[1] that hole is unbelievably small n its location is such that during sexual intercourse there is no style the penis would be able to 'stick' within ! unless he is trying to go adjectives the way using may be his finger, purposely finding that hole !

[2] i am not sure but try to answer you, near are changes but impressively little, normally is getting equipped to let the unknown born get through, but slightly some changes after nativity ! since it was stretch during transport, part of the tissue may scratch but should heal soon, unsurprisingly the condition/structure would never be the same as previously !

[3] one should never have sex when in attendance is a yeast infection, it would really hurt n causes the infection to getting worst ! Please loaf a little longer n be lenient ! consults your doctor n get rib of that infection first !

Can you update me what happens when you shift for a smear test as i own to go for my first smear trial ?

I only know the first one. That hole is channel too small for even a finger to fit inside. It would burn like nought else if something did manage to find it's instrument up there.

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