Help reguarding a vaginal ultrasound?

My best friend is having a vaginal ultrasound tomorrow, due to some irregularities in her spell, she is a virgin and is worried about her hymen breaking while testing her. Will it break? She is making up her mind surrounded by not going to the dr, and she is a little afraid to ask her dr about her hymen breaking, but i want to abet her. Where can i find more info? what instrument do they use and is there any instrument pictures i can find?

Answers:    If she has irregular period, she should definitely go to the appointment so that they can determine what's going on. Usually, they try not to do a transvaginal ultrasound if a woman's a virgin and her hymen is intact. She requirements to tell the technician that she's a virgin when she gets in attendance, and they may opt just to do a regular pelvic ultrasound instead of a transvaginal.
It didn't affect mine. It doesn't go within that deep. They use an instrument that is shaped approaching an extra-long tampon. See:
It's not that thick, and it doesn't go contained by all the way. She should inform the technician that she's a virgin, so he/she will be extra punctilious.

I've had the test done 2 different ways. In one passageway, the doc did everything. In the other way, there be a technician, and he had me put the probe contained by myself, then once that was done, he grab ahold of the probe and moved it around to get his descriptions. I don't know if she's having this done by a doc or a technician. If by technician, then I don`t know she should be sure she'll be comfortable putting it in herself.

It's not like it's the most fun audition in the world to get done, but if her doctor feel it's necessary, then any pro tem embarrassment and discomfort is worth it..
If the hymen is round with a massive hole vaginal ultrasound is possible.I see no advantage of having vaginal ultrasound for irregular period.Also,no doctor has the right to tear the hymen of any girl. Most childish women have broken hymens before sex anyway due to exercise etc. The dr will try to avoid it. definitely feel free to suggest extra care from doctor.
ive have one before, and they dont insert it too far in so i reflect on she will be okay, just tell her to relax ;)

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