Where is surgargum from ?


Period problems?

Not sure what this has to do next to Womens health but do you indicate Sugar Gum?/

Sugar gum ( Eucalyptus cladocalyx ) is a hardy tree, commonly planted on farms surrounded by western Victoria and South Australia. Native occurrences are confined to a relatively few areas in South Australia, including Kangaroo Island, the southern Flinders Ranges, the eastern side of the Eyre Peninsula and a few areas in close proximity Coffin Bay and Cowell.

The form of sugar gum in its native habitat is rather variable; surrounded by higher rainfall areas, it can attain height of 35 m, with a verbs, straight bole. In harsher environments, such as Wanilla, it is typically shrubby, crooked stemmed and sometimes multi-stemmed. For farm forestry purposes, Kangaroo Island, Flinders Ranges and Wirrabara provenances are recommended, base on preliminary information that has be collected by ALRTIG partners [Find out more...].

The timber of sugar gum is yellow-brown, next to a fine, interlocked grain. It is tough, heavy, and of moderate strength (for a eucalypt hardwood). It have been used extensively as railway sleepers, arable farm timbers and general construction timber. A recent study conducted by CSIRO rates it as an excellent sawn timber producer (in expressions of yield and stability) second simply to spotted gum . E. cladocalyx , is somewhat frost sensitive, though not as sensitive as spotted gum. It tolerates a wide group of soil types, though does not do well on any poorly drained clays, or very lighting sands.

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