I have a horrible experience near a hysterectomy and I still cry and seize so silly?

9 years ago I made a terrible mistake after the birth of my 11 lb. son and my tubal ligation I never went rear for not only my 6 week check up but never again went to obtain a yearly pap smear I was stupid and figure that I have been near the same man since I was 17 and have 2 children with well after individual with the same man we divorced and time passed I begin having watery discharge no odor it be just like river at first wearing a pantyliner would work after awhile it increased and I was always markedly tired I went to my primary doctor and without examining me he said it sounded close to a UTI and gave me a RX so time went on and it never get better actually got worse I be having to wear a pad every hour so I go to a GYN to get a pap smear I was fretful because I hadn't had one for years but within the first 2 minutes of the exam everything happen blooded poured out onto the doctors clothes she informed me she could not do a pap smear she would have to try and do a biopsy she just kept

Umm kinda embarasing..how do i...?

I realize your reluctance to go to a doctor after this horrible experience, and I agree this doctor should have taken your concerns more seriously and his disappointment to do so could have cost your life. Unfortunately some (though perversely not all) male doctors are quick to dismiss the concerns of womanly patients as overexdurations. Everyones surgical experience is diffrent and you need to take into consideration your advanceced cancer could hold affected your ability to restore to health, so while your may have had alike complications with another doctor it may not have progress so far. However you do entail to go back to the doctor, I would recommend finding a trial doctor that you are more comfortable with. As you have said you hold two young children to care for and you own to care for yourself to be able to prudence for them.

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well it sounded like your cancer be really advance, that first doctor was a joggle but you should have gone and check it out sooner. what made you took so long. anyway, I am a firm believer in inherent cures and I believe in the body's ability to cure itself next to the help of a good unconscious care practioner. you will find some good ones at www.naturalcures.com or you can lately surf the internet or look in your telephone directory for one. you will be ok. adjectives is not lost. focus your emotions on getting better instead of beeing nutty. don't blame the doctor who ordered the hysterectomy, that was ievitable. you waited too long. I revulsion doctors and the ones you have been to come across rather shady. its all in the region of the money to them but my dear you could have gotten an infection even if the best doctor in the world have treated you . now, don't be mad I find your story terribly facinating and my heart goes out to you but why did you wait so long. a wipe every hour?? I think you should find another doctor. one who is sympathetic to what you are going through. don't worry around your note being long.

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Alright-so you be young and made a mistake by not going back for your checkups-thats over,The significant thing is that you have 2 children who are depending on you to be in attendance for them. I have had a hysterectomy and thank God I never go through anything like you did.What kind of doctor didn't follow up beside your care when you called? If you grain you were not properly taken care of name a medical attorney.Right now if your new doctor is sending you certified letters-its markedly important to go and see him.Cancer is nought to play with-go to your doctor and get treatment-the sooner the better.Time is important surrounded by treating it before its too late.You be young-please think of your children and get it taken fastidiousness of RIGHT AWAY.Drink more water and cranberry juice to prevent further infections.Please see your doctor in a jiffy.

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