It be so shy when i caught by that girl?

i am on my sisters account, she at her friends house right now
i other get erctions at the worst times. my math instructor has me come up and do problems on the board from our homework (summer school) i other get an erction later. is their a way to store it and have u ever gotten an erction at a discouraging time like i did?!?!?!?!? im 13 and i enjoy a pnis of 7 inch is it on the larger size i think ? concluding time one of my classmate girl ask me what is that mountain like item inside your pant , i was so ashamed at that time , how i can avoid unwanted erctions ?

Does this penny-pinching anything?


Well, I'm not a guy so I don't really know what to say.. But I did swot up during our many unscrew discussions in sophmore World History class that the grounds guys seem to other have their hand in their pockets when they sit is to adjust themselves especially if they're have an erection...

So, I guess, if you're wearing baggy pant, just adjust yourself & it won't be so comprehensible..

Why am i always hot?

well if i be a boy i would probly try to put my hand over my pants or simply have a sweatshirt and put it on top
hope this help!!

Nuvaring users?

First of all: Why the Hell is this on "Women's Health"?

Is My Period Here?

You are thirteen so your body is sympathetic of irregular right now so its not nonstandard for that to happen. don't surface too bad I remember I used to hold a teacher when I be 14 who would get erections while chitchat in front of the class very soon THATs bad. anyway... my best guidance would be that when it happens try to quiet yourself down. An erection occurs when you bring excited and blood starts to flow really fast into the penis blood vessel. You are probably having erections when you own to get up surrounded by front of class because you are getting nervous and your heart is spanking faster leading to a fast increase in blood flow. when you are called up to the board give somebody a lift a few seconds to count to three and relax, don't look at anyone only walk up to the board write the answer and hike back to your form as if no one be even there. That might aid you become less panicky and maybe assistance you begin to control your erections.

Stomach bug doing the rounds?

If men are perves for answering question about period what in Gods nickname are all of you jump to talk to a 13 year frail's 7 inch erection? I suppose you are all exempt from closed minded and unwarranted statements. I really think any sex can research and answer any question. You can usually describe who is being perverse or positive. In answer to this man's question, this is regular and not anything to perceive shame over.

I have a completely personal questions nearly my clitoris after i orgasm?

well i'm not a guy... but i know that wearing briefs or boxer breifs instead of regular boxers helps and you could other cover it up w/ a jacket, book, or something of the sort.

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