Always have yeast infections!?

I almost always get yeast infections after I own sex with my boyfriend. Ive tried everything and do everything the doctors tell me to do. With my departed boyfriends I would get yeast infections in the starting point of the relationship and then I would get used to him and i wouldnt bring them anymore. But Ive been with my current boyfriend for over 6 months! I didnt know if anyone else has gone through this too?

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Tips for avoiding yeast infections:

-Wear cotton underwear every day
-Do not wear g-strings
-Use Summer's Eve (this does not dry you out close to regular bar soap or heavily perfumed body rinse - I know you said you use mild soap but if you're not using Summer's Eve you might want to try that instead)
-Use a condom while having sex
-Make sure you're lubricated during sex
-Don't use bubble bath or other hip bath gels while in the tub (the perfume can be irritating/drying)

One other thing, men can actually grasp yeast infections from women and then there can be the problem of ratification it back and forth. You said above that you get the yeast infections AFTER you've have sex with new boyfriends. It could be possible that those boyfriends carried over a yeast infection from their out-of-date partners and passed it on to you.

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Are you sure it's a yeast infection and not something else? Has a doctor actually diagnosed it as a yeast infection? There are other problems you can enjoy down there that have similar symptoms.

Also, if you are prone to yeast infections, you might want to start taking Acidophilus pills to assistance prevent them.

Please sustain me, ladies :(?


I know exactly how you feel! I used to suffer from yeast infections constantly and no matter how abundant different creams and pills I tried it always came put a bet on :(

I was so embarrassed by it that I couldn't nude to keep going to the doctors. In the end I found this website on the internet which changed everything and made me quality myself again. If you want to take a look, it's at

Hope it works for u too!

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Sounds like you are ratification a bacteria back and forth to respectively other called trichomonis(not sure about the spelling).
For women that are prone to yeast infections, the best piece you can do is eat lots and lots of yogurt, it helps the system massacre bad might consider using condoms adjectives the time too

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Have you tried wearing only cotton panties, not wearing anything to bed, drying the area after wash with a blow dryer on cool and using a milder soap? It may just be that he does have need of to be tested, that's more likely.

GIRLS: do you enjoy Interstitial Cystitis (I.C.) higher than Endometriosis and I.B.S.?

Have him tested for STD's, or an infection. Good luck.

Womanly request for information?

How much sugar, sweets, bread and alcohol do you ingest? Sugars feed yeast.

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