What day are suppost to start counting for your time of year?

I have be counting the day I start my time of year as 1 then 2,3,4,5 as the hours of daylight i stop my period and verbs until i reach 28. Then I should bring back my period again...

My mom say the day after you start your interval is 1, until you reach 28.

It doesn't construct sence to me...I'm not like 12 years antediluvian either...it's only never been explained to me properly

Can somebody explain who's right and who's wrong and why?

What is it supposed to be aware of like after you lose your virginity?

It's the first sunshine of red flow. You are right.

If you have a 28 morning cycle, your period would start on daytime 29, which is actually daylight one since you started again.

I will try to dig up some sites to suggestion.

EDITED TO ADD- as long as you do it the same instrument each month- that's what's influential. It's good to know so you know when to expect your subsequent period, (although few women are other regular to the day every month) and when you're trying to conceive you enjoy the info you need.

Inexpensive Tubal Reversal Dr's ?

your mother as other is right, count from the day you hold full menstruation and not only merely spotting.

I just started swimming firm again and my period get kind of irregular. It go away and do you think it will

I mull over you were right. I don't focus your mom is. At least it's how I do it. Good Luck!

Discharge during intercourse, what is it?

Do it the means of access you're doing it.

28 days is an approximation; your cycle may turn out to be a little longer or shorter. I focus my last gf have a 26.82 day cycle.

Your Mom's cycle may in truth be 29 days, and starting counting on the 2d day makes it come out to 28. Your Mom may be thinking it's get to come out to 28, but don't expect it to be exact.

Were I a woman, I'd count from the day I started to the subsequent time I started--I want to be prepared for the start, not run around in stained panties (etc.--it'll receive to the seat of your pant or skirt) for the first day.

OK, I'm a guy, but for some intention, I not only hold track of my gf or wife, but every woman I know that well. I don't know why--just within case we clutch it to the next stratum from being friends? At any rate, I'm a great day-counter!

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