My first obgyn check up.?

I am going to the obgyn next week for my first check up and to take on birth control. What do they do? What should I expect? I am nervous. I am 18 I am not pregnant I freshly want to get on BC.

Answers:    I know the doctor sticks his greasy fingers in your vagina and up your rectum to check for lumps. my oh my the thought of it is only too much Im going to
just expect question. are you sexually active blah blah. and next they make you lay down and u know the rest of the stuff. it's loving of quick but painful (well for me) it's over pretty expeditious just permit them know it's your first visit and they'll explain it adjectives -- it's pretty simple stuff..don't worry.

BUT REMEMBER, and it seem girls don't know this, and you can ask ahead of time, stay on the pill for about a month until that time you trust it for birth control - it needs to build up within your system. People sometimes going on the pill, take a couple, enjoy unprotected sex and get pregnant..because they didn't read adjectives the print on the package.
They will bestow you a pap smear and a breast exam. It's nothing to be flushed about. Remember that this doctor does these adjectives day long. It's not a personal piece for him or her and it shouldn't be seen as such for you any. They'll do a physical exam which requires you to undress and put a hospital gown on/or a disposable gown. The doc will do a papsmear which can be uncomfortable . It won't bear long. Also, you have to avoid sex 24 hours past you're exam.
i just have my first ob/gyn check up last friday. and for impossible to tell apart reasons, for the bc.

your gynecologist will grant you a breast exam, then examine your vagina and uterus (and yes, this will include sticking fingers and an instrument surrounded by your vagina). but don't worry. it may nouns totally gross and scary, but you'll be fine.
They will enjoy you get undressed and wear a hospital gown. You'll receive up on the table, and open your legs and place them on the stirrups. You'll scootch your butt down to the expire of the table. The doctor will place a curved plastic, or metal tool to open your vagina so that the doctor will know how to see inside. She'll wear a light on her go before to be able to see clearly. It will quality warm. She'll use K-Y jelly so that nought will hurt. She'll then lift something that looks like a plastic comb and brush your uterus for a PAP smear. It will not hurt. The intact exam may take 20 minutes. She'll also do a breast exam.

Just relax and breathe. It will not be itchy. Maybe a little discomfort.
in good health this is should walk every year..especially if you're sexually even if you're not it's moral preventive maintanence its just module of being a women.

Anyway, they will make clear to you to underdress i usually leave my socks on b/c it's so cold contained by my obg's office. the will hand over you a paper gown and tabloid blanket to put over you.then he/she will come into the bureau...they will tell you to put your foot in the stirrups (basically you're spread eagle within front of the doctor) they will put this thing within you that will open you broad so they can look into your vagina...the will clip a piece of you cervix and do a cotton swap for testing. Basically they are trialling for own to specify if you want any sort of STD testing done. If you don't they won't tryout for anything like that. Basically the assessment will come back positive or refusal. if it's negative afterwards they will want to do furthering testing...STD's and a cancer screening. After they do the cotton swab they will thieve the tool out of you (it doesn't hurt) then they will stick two fingers contained by you and push down on your stomach...they are feeling your ovaries, floppian tubes and uterus for any sort of growth or swelling and/or pregnancy. Again doesn't hurt...only feels weired. Some obg's do a breast exam especially if it's your first time within...they will expose your breast and well lol get the impression you up...not in a sexual route but they're feeling for unusual lumps that cause breast cancer.

LOL it's sounds worst than it is. Good Luck.
The doctor will ask you to undress and put on an nouns gown. Many will also give you a small sheet to drape across your nouns so that you feel a touch more comfortable. They may also ask you to undress only from the waist down - not adjectives doctors do breast exams on young women.

The doctor will do a short external exam on your pelvic nouns; (s)he will just enjoy a look and maybe touch you for a moment. They will do an internal exam which involves a speculum (google a picture if you don't know what one is - it's not nearly as scary as it looks!). During this portion you will feel some pressure surrounded by your vaginal canal but it should not hurt at adjectives. They will then lug some skin cell samples from your cervical nouns (inside) using what looks either resembling a very long Q-tip or mascara brush. This will not hurt any - if you feel it at adjectives, it will feel approaching a small tickle. Then your doctor will examine your ovaries - for me this is the most uncomfortable member, but it doesn't hurt. (S)he will put two fingers inside you and, using the other hand, press insubstantially on your lower belly to make sure that everything inside feel as it should.

If your doctor does a breast exam, (s)he will have you hoist your arm above your head (while you are lying down) and perceive all around your breast and armpit using the flats of their fingers. They should also guide you how to do a self-breast exam - if they don't offer instructions, ask!

I know it's somewhat scary to enjoy your first pelvic exam, but just know that it doesn't hurt you. It is a short time bit embarassing, but the pelvic exam only take about 5-10 minutes. When the speculum is inserted, they will use lots of lubricant so it will not hurt. And whether your doctor is mannish or female, nearby will always be a nurse contained by the room as well.

The most prominent thing to remember is try to relax! When you overexcited up, your vaginal muscles tense up as ably, so relaxing will make the together process easier and you will feel smaller quantity pressure down there.

Congratulations on man responsible!
Are you pregnant? That's one question they will ask ya, OK.

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